
I was wrong, they are not waiting for the federal response to criticize Trump, in fact they are blaming Trump for the hurricane! they figure the hurricane is caused by global warming which is caused by Trump rolling back Obama era environmental policy! So no matter what happens, this is Trump's fault.

That we ever born or that a universe exists in the first place is Trump's fault. Just ask him. He'll gladly provide you with the alternative fact that He is God the Almighty.

It's funny, storms used to be called "acts of God" but they don't believe in God so they blame Trump!
He does have a time machine so I suppose it's fair to blame him for anything, past, present or future.

Trump is the eternal scapegoat, doomed like Sisyphus to forever bare the burden of God's cruel sense of humor. You'd think that the cards would play more in his favor with a name like Trump. I suppose God loves His irony...

yeah, poor fella, never wins anything.

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