Bad Things Happen When Good Men (And Women) Do Nothing!

in #hunting7 years ago (edited)


I Just Joined The NRA!

I very much hate to admit it, but I had let my National Rifle Association Membership expire.

Well, shame on me...

I rectified that unacceptable oversight today.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke


You Can Find the Membership Link at

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Active Member Outdoor Writers Association of America

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

Recommended Reading:


We generally have a copy of this title in our bookstore stock, if so interested.

iamthe nra.jpe


Good work @huntbook. We sincerely appreciate your efforts to protect our rights to keep and bear arms here in the U.S.

There's a lot of dialogue here in Australia about the US issues with shootings and guns. I tend not to get too involved despite being a gun owner for a few reasons:

  • I am not in the States and so am not totally conversant with the laws state to state.
  • As an outsider it's very difficult to truly understand the concepts of gun ownership and rights in the US.
  • Generally the people who attack me with their views on guns being the sole issue and taking them away being the solution have arguments based on no hard evidence, fact or indeed logic.

I made a comment about the 29 people killed in alcohol-related vehicle incidents in the US each day recently in the middle of an argument between a couple of people and only the pro-gunner commented. The anti-gun dum-dum didn't even acknowledge it. Hmm, maybe lives are not that important unless taken by an idiot with a gun? The drunk idiot with a 2 ton truck is ok to take lives I suppose.

Anyway, things are different here in Australia with the semi-automatic rifle being restricted to professional shooters and primary producers. We can have pretty much anything else we want with a couple of exceptions and tend not to have the issues the US does but is that simply due to the gun laws or the fact we have 23 million people in our country and you have 280 million. Hmm, I wonder.

I once posted this image in the middle of an argument between several anti and pro gunners asking if they thought it was ok. The pro gunners thought it was cool (obviously) and the anti-gunners? Well, "this fully automatic assault rifle should be banned..." The thing is, that it's a bolt action 10 shot rifle and not semi, or automatic at all. The perception people have is always going to be their reality though right?

Rifle is my RPR in 6.5 Creemoor sporting a Kahles 624i scope and Atlas bipod.

Disarming lawful and registered citizens won't prevent criminals and terrorists obtaining weapons and using them for evil. It also won't stop alcohol-impaired vehicle deaths (10,500 in the US per year). PTSD deaths, obesity/diabetes related deaths, drug related deaths, deaths caused by starvation or exposure or any other death at all.

Anti-gunners want to save lives? Ok, go feed the hungry, go help the vets with PTSD, picket-line McDonald's so 12 year old kids don't eat that shit, shelter the homeless, stamp out drunk driving...There's hundreds of thousands of lives to save right there right?

I was asked today by my chiropractor when I thought the solution was and I didn't have an answer, and I honestly don't. All I know though is that it probably needs to be talked about...And that disarming legal, lawful gun owners is not the answer.

Thanks for reading. :) Good to see you've got your NRA membership GTG!

Hey mate, I hope you don't mind me commandeering your post. :)

You have some great points here. And the gun is awesome.

We haven’t done the comparison yet unfortunately. Work gets in the way of fun sometimes. I’ve had to do a lot of culling lately too. Kangaroos are out of control! Hopefully next week we will get to it.

Hello again. So much to unpack in your post, and so much truth. I have always heard that some bad things happened when Australia enforced gun confiscation, but I don't know too many specifics around the issue. I do know that what happened in Australia is often used as an example of something that we do not want here in the U.S. I am deeply concerned about the current mood in the states. I fear that the tide of public opinion on gun control is on the verge of turning the wrong way. Of course, there is a lot of manipulation, brain washing, and false information involved in that too. With that in mind, I simply can't be silent, for once our rights are lost, they will surely not return. My father taught me to stand up and be counted, no matter the ridicule or negative outcome. We must always go to the sound of the guns. So stand I will, and write. As far as commandeering my post - go right ahead - I am honored. Thanks for helping with the good fight...

I love what your father taught you mate, ”stand up and be counted” so good.

Yes, I know in the States you look at our gun laws and giggle and scoff, we hate them too of course but after the mass shooting in Port Arthur where 34 people were killed things changed irrevocably and semi-auto’s and pumps were restricted. Will it stop it happening again? I doubt it. There is a very healthy gun community here though with 850,000 licenses across the country and each license holding an average of 7-10 guns I believe. I have within the average. There are loads of guns here.

The problem here is that they restrict the law-abiding gun owner and not the criminal.

In the US I don’t know what the answer is as I said above. It’s complex and to be honest unless you’re on the ground there I think it ‘s difficult to understand. Have an opinion but don’t make claims and statements I mean. I read a comment made by my non-gun-owning oldest brother (who is not on steemit) about how a wound from a “mil-spec AR15” compares to a non mil-spec wound. WTF! My .223 fox gun is going to make the same wound as the .556 from an AR. And what is milspec anyway? Simply the lowest bidder for the contract! He even compares the wound from an AR to that from a 9mm handgun. It’s that senseless shit that isn’t productive for either side of the argument. I didn’t weigh in on that comment he made, with people like him logic has no effect.

Anyway, by presenting the gun community with balanced logic and comment and always showing responsibility is important to me. I take as many new shooters to the range and my private shooting spots as I can and always represent with respect, safely and responsibly. Sure, I have gun stickers on the back window of my truck and wear the 3 percenter shirt with pride among others but being a responsible up-standing gun owner is the way forward for us.

I watch with interest the US gun debate. You have a lot of support from the Aussies my bro.


Glad to have a brother in arms in Australia. I know that you are correct - logic and education is the key. I think that I will take someone to the range next time I have a chance, if it ever warms up around here...Good shooting!

Yeah, cold your way huh? Summer here brother. Blue skies, sandy beaches and only the occasional great white shark!

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