Hunting. An attempt at an unbiased opinion from an animal lover and animal activist.

in #hunting6 years ago

Hunting, it's something that is not only throughout human history but it is a major piece of the puzzle that is nature.
It is tradition in many places and cultures around the world but it seems to be rather divisive. You're either completely for, or very against, and unfortunately there seems to be a lot of hysterical, emotional rhetoric.

When I look at hunting I split it into 4 categories.


These aren't mutually exclusive, the reasoning behind why people hunt can be mixed, usually one of the first 3 with the last. The last one, whilst not the only one I disagree with, is the one I don't understand. I don't see how you can find it pleasurable or fun to take the life of something. I can understand the enjoyment of tracking the animal, camping out, hiding in the bushes, stalking your prey. Those primal instincts, I know the feeling. But to enjoy the actual kill, the moment you end a life, for whatever reason. That I do not understand and never will.
I find it strange that we value human life over everything else, I don't rate it any less valuable but not more either. Why would I? a person I don't know on the other side of the planet means nothing to me unless I'm trying to "virtue poster"

Plus if you really look into it, that breaks down pretty quick. People care a lot less about those from another country, people that do things they don't agree with, people from a different religion etc etc...

Hunting for food.

Probably the only one I can get behind. I disagree massively with the way the meat industry and farming industry is run, from the raising of the animals to live transport and finally the execution, I disagree with every aspect of it. Hunting, when done responsibly, I find much more humane.
An animal living in the wild, say a deer. It's grown up, it's standing there eating leaves, it's just living it's life. Bam. Shot in the head, taken home and eaten. Just as nature intended.
Meat industry, Animals forced to breed, grown up in horrid conditions, usually forced to live in either confined spaces or sub par conditions, fed unhealthy unnatural diets to fatten them for profit, then loaded onto trucks packed like sardines in sweltering heat, hauled to some port and put on a boat or to some killing floor where they get in line to die, scared and having lived a miserable existence.
Hunting is a clearly far more humane process, and the more efficient you make it the better, unnecessary suffering is just that. Unnecessary.

Hunting for sport,money.

This I don't like, there are better ways to make money, there are other things you can shoot for sport. It can hardly be considered sport when most of the animals are unaware they're in a game. Sitting in the woods until something walks past and shooting it so you can put it on your wall, eh. Go fuck yourself tbh. What you expect.

People that hunt, simply because they enjoy killing things.

This I hate. I don't really mean the guy who sits there and kills a buck because he enjoys it or tracks out a bear to kill. I mean the guy that gets in his 4WD with his friends, load up the automatic rifles and a spotlight and go and blaze up the forest/fields. The people that have shows on network TV eg. Ted Nugent, where they get in a helicopter with a mini-gun and blast apart hundreds of pigs. These people, as far as i'm concerned are worth less than an animal. Maybe that's unreasonable. I don't care.

The reason it upsets me.

too many hunters are irresponsible. See I've been to the duck hunting season here to help save the injured ducks. There are 2 people there. There's the guy who shoots his bag limit, takes them home and eats them. Then there's the guy who probably drank 6 beers already even though its 6 am and just starts shooting birds out of the sky and letting them fall into the water to die, no use for them, no reason for them to die, and no regard for life as a whole.
I try and be pretty reasonable, even though it's hard on subjects I care about but the first person in that scenario, me and him are fine. If you're the second guy, we wont get along.

I take in too many baby animals who's mother has been shot and then just left there to rot, the baby standing by it's dead mother slowly dying or waiting to be eaten by predators. The mother shot for no reason, left to die in pain and a baby left to die slowly for no real reason either. How can you be okay with that?

There is a letter featured on this website by an ex commercial Kangaroo hunter who now dedicates his time to helping animals harmed by people and what caused his turn-around.

I try not to judge anyone based off of one aspect of their life, I know we all had very different upbringings and have very different morals. But I find it very difficult to get behind or understand anyone who enjoys harming animals, I'm sure there are things I do that people wouldn't understand or get behind too so I try and be objective but, emotion is a powerful thing.

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