Halloween Parties: Hunter Thompson
I thought: i’m halfway there mentally, i might as well dress up as Dr. Gonzo himself..Hunter S Thompson.
but- i didn’t just dress up. I “committed” to the character if you catch my drift..
Here’s a shot of my attorney and i, having a serious meeting about some pressing matters..
So How’d i do?
I stayed at the Circus Circus one time in Las Vegas in honor of Mr. Gonzo and I got so fucked up that I could not find the front door to leave the hotel. I was stuck in there for two days. My friends still give me a hard time about that one. I had fun though...at least what I can remember. Excellent costume my friend, and please say hello to your lawyer for I may need his services in the future.
i gotchu my dude-but i must worm you, this man i call my attorney is no common Samoan-fucking savagery! hahahah thats fucking great dude!! I’m adding that to my bucket list: live like Hunter for at least a night in vegas.