Auto industry, Henniges founded in the United Stated Acquired by a Chinese Company AVIC and a Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Chris Heinz (Kerry's stepson) Investment firm. AVIC for military application? Cirrius,

in #hunterbiden3 years ago (edited)

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Many investigators have been poking around in the numerous deals and vast corruption involving the takeover of an American Auto firm, Henniges based in based in Auburn Hills, Michigan.
This is a company producing anti-vibration components and encapsulated glass systems.
The company was founded way back in 1863.

Did a run down in the Mind Blowing Corruption article and in the video

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See below in sources for both links.

In 2015, Henniges Automotives was acquired by AVIC Automotive Systems Holding Co Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of China's state-owned aerospace and defence conglomerate Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

Henniges themselves called the deal
** "one of the largest acquisitions by a Chinese company of a U.S.-based automotive manufacturing company in history."**

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There were other American Companies China companies purchased to aid in military application.
AVIC purchased US Continental Motor Co. in 2010

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Durant Motors of New York, New York, first used the Frontenac marque in 1931 on vehicles built and sold in Canada. The Canadian Durant firm was acquired by a group of Canadian investors and renamed Dominion Motors Limited. The firm continued building Durant and Frontenac cars. The first Frontenac, for 1931, was model 6-18, a 109-inch-wheelbase car based on the Durant 619.

Interesting numbers right?

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After Durant Motors went under in 1932, Dominion Motors switched to De Vaux for a source of car designs. The 1932 Frontenac range consisted of two sixes, 6-70 (109-inch wheelbase), an update of the 1931 6-18, and the 6-85 (114-inch wheelbase) based on the De Vaux 6-80.

And just as Durant got into trouble, so did De Vaux. The firm was taken over by its major creditor, Continental Motors, in late 1932. Continental decided to continue car production under the Continental name and Dominion Motors decided to base their cars on Continental vehicles. Just as the 1933 Continental line consisted of three models, so did Frontenac.

Awe. . .just as the song We Built This City States. . .
Someone always playing
Corporation games
Who cares they're always changing
Corporation names
We just want to dance here
Someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible
Write us off the page

Get it?
It's how people lose track of them and the globalists get away with All sorts of Deeds!

And look here. . .what does it All go back to ultimately?
Marconi plays the mamba
Listen to the radio, don't you remember?

Do you remember the frequencies discussed here and in other articles full of Tells?
Go to bottom sources if not familiar.

See a connecting frames here,
Predictive Programming?

Well This is Interesting!

On January 5, 1934, Riverdale Tire & Auto Exchange announced the purchased of Dominion Motors' stock of cars and trucks. A March 12, 1934 advertisement advised 75% of the stock of Dominions was sold, advising the Standard four-cylinder sedan offered a radio.

Dominion Motors Ltd finally sold off their last section of factories and the remaining lands to Frigidaire on June 23, 1944 which ended the only all Canadian owned and operated car co since.

Radio in vehicles though!

Now let's look at the other US company purchased by AVIC
The Cirrus Design Corporation, doing business as Cirrus Aircraft

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As of January 2021, the company had delivered 8,000 SR-aircraft in over 20 years of production, and has been the world's largest producer of piston-powered aircraft since 2013.

Sales of the SR-series grew rapidly during the 2000s, until the economic crisis of 2008. Cirrus was planning to market a light-sport aircraft called the SR Sport, but suspended the project in 2009, due to financial challenges and a lack of market demand. This has since been cancelled. After a return to company growth and United States-based expansion in the 2010s. . .
Cirrius was Acquired by AVIC in 2011. Interesting?

The company produces all of its aircraft with composite materials and is known for pioneering new technologies in the light general aviation aircraft manufacturing industry, including glass cockpits and full-airframe ballistic parachutes.

In 2001, Cirrus sold a majority of the company to Bahrain-based Arcapita Group. Ten years later, the manufacturer was acquired by China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (CAIGA), which is a division of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

Upon its delivery, the aircraft became the first civilian single-engined jet to enter the market, and is often referred to as a "personal jet"

The company produces all of its aircraft with composite materials and is known for pioneering new technologies in the light general aviation aircraft manufacturing industry, including glass cockpits and full-airframe ballistic parachutes.

If you start poking around. . .you will see the brothers who started this co. have stepped down and now. . .
On 4 June 2019, Cirrus announced that former Tesla Inc. executive Zean Nielsen has been selected as its next CEO.


Here are just some of the highlights of their history.

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In 1984, Cirrus Aircraft's founders, brothers Alan and Dale Klapmeier, along with spouses Jeff and Sally Viken, started developing the Cirrus VK-30 as a homebuilt aircraft in the basement of the Klapmeiers' parents' barn in rural Baraboo, Wisconsin.

After a few years in the design phase, the brothers borrowed money to move the project to their own factory on the Baraboo–Wisconsin Dells Airport, where they began flight testing. The VK-30 was introduced at the 1987 EAA Oshkosh Convention and first flew on 11 February 1988. Kit deliveries commenced shortly thereafter.

Cirrus Aircraft designed the ST-50 under contract to Israeli aircraft manufacturer IsrAviation. The aircraft was configured like the Cirrus VK-30, but was powered by a Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6-135 turboprop engine, in place of the piston engine used in the VK-30.

The prototype was first flown on December 7, 1994, by Norman E. Howell.

That same year, the Klapmeier brothers moved company headquarters from southern Wisconsin to a much larger facility at the Duluth International Airport in Duluth, Minnesota, bringing 35 employees with them and hiring another 15 at once.

In August 1996, Cirrus announced plans to build a plant at the Grand Forks International Airport in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

By the middle of the decade the company had discontinued the VK-30 and began development of the Cirrus SR20, which was first flown in March 1995 and type certified in October, 1998. This was followed by customer deliveries of the SR20 beginning in July, 1999.

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It was the first production general aviation (GA) aircraft equipped with a parachute to lower the airplane safely to the ground after a loss of control, structural failure or mid-air collision. The SR series was also the first mass-manufactured light aircraft with all-composite construction and flat-panel avionics.

At the time of the airplane's release, the general aviation industry was struggling; the SR20 was one of the first of its kind to earn FAA Part 23 certification in several years.

One of the major selling points for the SR20 is its Garmin Cirrus Perspective avionics suite with dual 10-inch (250 mm) or 12-inch (300 mm) screens: one primary flight display (PFD) and one multi-function display (MFD). This provides all standard communication, navigation (GPS and conventional VHF), and surveillance (Mode S transponder) functions. Other avionics features include in-flight weather information and TCAS-like traffic information.

The SR-series remains the only airplane in its class to include side stick flight controls that combine aspects of a traditional yoke handle (this has been referred to in the industry as a "side yoke").

The SR20 and SR22 are equipped with the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS), a large parachute that can be deployed in an emergency to lower the entire aircraft to the ground safely. As of September 2018, the SR-series has deployed the system 79 times carrying 163 survivors.

In 2011, the accident record of the SR20 and -22 was the subject of a detailed examination by Aviation Consumer magazine. The review concluded that the series has an overall accident record that is better than average for light aircraft, exceeded only by the Diamond DA40 and DA42. However, its fatal accident rate is much worse at 1.6/100,000 hours, placing it higher than the U.S. general aviation rate of 1.2 and higher than the Diamond DA40 (.35), Cessna 172 (.45), Diamond DA42 , Cessna 182 (.69) and the Cessna 400 (1.0), despite the Cirrus's full aircraft parachute system.

What are your thoughts on these three American companies being acquired by AVIC?
How about the fact that Hunter Biden's firm owns a 49% stake with Henniges acquired by AVIC and Jacqueline Zucker from Bear Stearns (where Epstein formerly worked) being acquired in handling the transition?

Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports


Check out some of this trail laid out in sources of this following connecting article,

Remember When. . .

The American delegation was visiting Japan, China, and South Korea. But it was the visit to China that had the most potential to generate conflict and controversy. The Obama administration had instituted the “Asia Pivot” in its international strategy, shifting attention away from Europe and toward Asia, where China was flexing its muscles.

For Hunter Biden, the trip coincided with a major deal that Rosemont Seneca was striking with the state-owned Bank of China. From his perspective, the timing couldn’t have been better.

The above taken from my Mind Blowing Corruption article that is fully sourced.

Hunter and Finnegan Biden joined the vice president for tea with US Ambassador Gary Locke at the Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District in Beijing. Where Hunter Biden spent the rest of his time on the trip remains largely a mystery. There are actually more reports of his daughter Finnegan’s activities than his.

What was not reported was the deal that Hunter was securing. Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.

The Bank of China is an enormously powerful financial institution. But the Bank of China is very different from the Bank of America. The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal.

Rosemont Seneca and the Bank of China created a $1 billion investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a name that reflected who was involved. Bohai (or Bo Hai), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea, was a reference to the Chinese stake in the company. The “RS” referred to Rosemont Seneca. The “T” was Thornton.

See Yellow River portrayed in Opening Ceremony of 7th World Military Games

The above links into the lyrics of It's the End of the World (as we KNOW IT)

"Fire in a wire representing 7 Games!"
All the tells that go over what we watched occur from 2019 on concerning a scamdemic that greaty profited globalist entities and the upper crust.

All spelled out in here,

or if you prefer to listen while doing chores,

See yet Another way the Biden family had the connections and "foresight" to profit nicely on the perpetrated scamdemic!

Facebook Frames Who controls the information? Seriously WHO!**
Remember the two doctors from California, who spoke out on what is Really happening?
This is what they have done to their video
See how all they can do is Claim it's false, even though Numerous doctors out there Go Against their narrative.
Who has the Power in the Illusion?

Facebook Frames the Gig is Up on the GATES and their Virtue Signaling "Philanthropy!"
Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.
Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?

Facebook Frames Latest Q drops! Some research on RFID, Satellites and The Corona program. . . a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.

Post are you Remnant or a Hindrance?

Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!.

Facebook Frames Latest Q drops! Some research on RFID, Satellites and The Corona program. . . a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.
RFID chipping, how have they conditioned the population? #SocialDistancing. . .Notice the military needs 5 feet for their line of protection for RFID when tracking soldiers.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a New Government controlled by you the American People! One of the Most important reasons they Hate and Despise him so much! He threatens their Control, Their Establishment by reminding the People THEY, the people have the power if they will Just STAND! You can hear his speech here where he also said they were about protecting and enriching Themselves rather than We the People! Listen to WHO they partner with! This is a Crossroads in the history of Our Civilization that will determine whether We the People gain control! He said he would take their arrows and slings. . .Has he? Absolute BEST POTUS ever thank you Donald J. Trump you have Surpassed our Expectations! You ROCK! Thank you! God's Hand, God's Protection!

27:17 Partnerships with government agencies and conglomerates back in the day that set the foundation for tracking.
What Science dot Gov site had to say about their plans and what was being carried out for RFID
Tracing Baldwin Piano to Arkansas and the various industries they assimilated and branched out into.
Who has the power over frequencies?
How their hands went from the Patriot Act right into invasiveness in your healthcare. Is this good?

Note how FB overlords and elitists try to control the narrative when I post this on my own FB page. . .
"Hunted" down from my
From my SteemKR article
The Hunters become the Hunted.
Course of action put into play years ago?
This Newspaper clip from way back in 1977 Whoa!
Will drop article link comment section of original post found if seen elsewhere by clicking on the timestamp Underneath my name.
Melissa McGarity
Pen name
channel and other platform name
TestingTheNarrative videos removed that had too much truth seen on Bitchute

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Archiving in case this disappears,

Facebook Frames an Auto Company purchased by a certain hunter, former roomie and friend (Kerry's stepson). Why did a Ch _a Co. with military application purchase an American Co. known for producing anti-vibration components and encapsulated glass systems. The company was founded in 1863?*

My questions include. . .why haven't msm reported on this when those of us investigating have been reporting on Key details since 2019?

Who IS Jacqueline Zucker?

I haven't hear anyone else talk about how she worked at the company that helped secure the acquisition for the hunter's team And she **Previously worked not only at Bear Stearns, but for

  • Bear Stearns as Managing Director and Assistant General Counsel
  • Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at J.P. Morgan where she primarily supported the securities clearing business acquired from Bear Stearns.
  • the Chief Compliance Officer and Legal Counsel at an options market-maker on the International Securities Exchange, Adirondack Electronic Markets, and a Vice President and Counsel at D.E. Shaw.

Now those are some Major Players and Reach!
Not to mention and IN when Henniges themselves. . .called the deal "one of the largest acquisitions by a Chinese company of a U.S.-based automotive manufacturing company in history."

Now why is small time me. ..from small time America. . despised and hated among mainstream, former family and friends, every elitist out there. . .reporting and They Don't Know this info?

Do they. . .
A. Know it and Refuse to report?
B. Know it and are Commanded Not to Report?
C. Not know it, yet are paid whether they do their Due Process and Investigations or not?
D. Are Highly paid Actors just as actornauts are?

Well, you of course decide. I'm not Mika Brzezinski who appears to feel it is theirJob Is to Control Exactly What People Think! Don't worry I'll include the link in sources dropped throughout these photo frames in a thread.

Henniges based in Auburn Hills, Michigan is a company producing anti-vibration components and encapsulated glass systems.
AVIC holds 51% interest and the hunter's investment firm called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) holds 49%

Conflict of interest much?
You decide!

AVIC Automotive Systems Holding Co Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of China's state-owned aerospace and defence conglomerate Aviation Industry Corporation of China. Henniges called the deal "one of the largest acquisitions by a Chinese company of a U.S.-based automotive manufacturing company in history."

Interesting how God said,
Acts 2:19
“And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:”

Were you aware AVIC also "Acquired" two other major American companies. ..

  • Continental Motor Company purchased by AVIC in 2010
    did you know they had a deal with a Canadian Co. called Domin*on Motors Ltd.?
  • Cirrus Aviation purchased by AVIC in 2011
    started by 1984 by Alan and Dale Klapmeier to produce the VK-30 kit aircraft.
    Fast forward. . .they are out of the picture AND

On 4 June 2019, Cirrus announced that former Tesla Inc. executive Zean Nielsen has been selected as its next CEO.

In July 2013, Cirrus president and COO Pat Waddick indicated that the ongoing Chinese government investment would allow it to continue to develop new models of aircraft with innovative powerplants. CEO Dale Klapmeier stated that the company hopes to eventually establish additional aircraft manufacturing facilities in China.

  • Align Aerospace purchased by AVIC in 2015

In August 2011, Align was sold by Anixter International (NYSE: AXE), based in Glenview, Illinois, to the private equity firm Greenbriar Equity. In March 2015, AVIC International acquired Align Aerospace from Greenbriar.

FB link here and Fully sourced,

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