Battle of Rough Donators game

in #humour6 years ago

Translation of this from russian:

Some time ago I proposed to release game 'Battle of Rough Donators', which has no grind feature at all. Game is defined by next rules:

  1. Players are donating. For each 1 dollar they rewarded by 1 expirience point.
  2. When XP grows level-ups occur. For each level probability that donating is failed is growing. When donating fails, you receive only 1 XP independedly from spent money amount. Minimal donate amount grows too as level grows.
  3. Naturally, there should be rating, where everyone could see other's level.
  4. Players can form clans. Donating amount is distributed between all clan members according to their level.
  5. There should be PvP. During the batlle players are donating, winner is player who donates more. He receives XP for all money, that was donated during battle.
  6. Of course, there should be PvP rating for players and for clans. And there should be bonus for weekly first place: free XP, equivalent to all donations during week.
  7. There should be chat (global channel, private channels, clan channel) for rough donators, where they could laugh at noobs and rifles. Of course chat is chargeable.
  8. There should be ignore-list in chat. For some amount of money any player could be added to your ignore-list and you not receive messages from him. But if he pays more, his message will pass, and you have to increase ignore-barrier amount of money.

I will not surprised, if someone do something similar, and this will be terribly popular...

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