Things Parents Say!

in #humour6 years ago

The sayings I remember most of my mothers were 'You make your bed,you must lie in it' and 'Don't forget to wear clean underwear in case you get knocked over by a bus'

I heard a few of these below too. Are they universal ? Do they get said in other languages?

How Many Times Do I have to tell you
I Don’t care what everyone else is doing
Are you deaf or something?
I don’t care who else is going.
Do you think I’m made of money.
Who’ll end up feeding it & walking it ? – Me!
Money doesn’t grow on trees
After all we do for you
If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times
Is that what you are going to wear?
Over my dead body!
Someday you’ll thank me.
Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!
Take your feet off the sofa.
Don’t ever let me catch you doing that again!
Don’t get smart with me
Get a haircut, you’ll have birds nesting in there!
You take after your mother/father
If it freezes you’ll stay that way!
You’re old enough to know better
As long as you live under this roof you’ll do as I say!
Close the door you don’t live in a barn
If you cut your toes off playing with that lawnmower, don’t come running to me!
You don’t know how lucky you are
I hope someday you’ll have kids like you
How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?
Don’t speak with your mouth full
Don’t sit so close to the television
I won’t tell you again
I didn’t ask who put it there, pick it up
It must be somewhere
You’re not going out like that are you?
Because I say so, that’s why!
What did I just say?
Wipe your shoes before you come through that door!
You’ll have someone’s eye out with that.
B-E-D spells bed!
When I was your age …..
There’s enough dirt in your ears to grow potatoes
Now do it to make your mother/father happy!
Wait til you have children of your own
Because I’m your father/mother, that’s why!
You’d better ask your mother/father.
Beggars can’t be choosers!
This hurts me more than it hurts you.
I don’t know is not an answer!
mother admonishing child black & white.jpg


I've heard almost every one of them from my parents. Great list, thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. It just shows that basic human nature is the same all over the globe. Kids do the same annoying things and parents natural way of responding is to mock, frighten, warn, predict, and perhaps sometimes try the opposite tactic - reward - if you promise not to do that again there will be jelly for tea!

Here language doesn't matter, it is content. More or less I have heard my mum saying it too, and even myself. But it is funny that all that stuff comes back right now, isn't it?
If it freezes you’ll stay that way! I didn't know.
Love your posts. Take care Ivor.

Thank you johano. I thought the sayings would be used by parents all over the world,because kids will be kids and do the things that annoy grownups wherever. The 'freeze' saying was in response to my pulling a face or sticking a defiant tongue out when at a safe distance from a clout!

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