Stupid Questions 341

in #humor4 months ago

American actress and producer Christina Hendricks, and “Voyeurism” are not really mentioned that much in this specific edition of the series. Still nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, guys and dolls!

“What’s My Name?”

Someone asked Yahoo: “Who has a bigger p*nis, Chris Brown or Michael Jackson?” (Considering Jackson is DEAD I would personally guess Brown.)

If a big, heavy tree falls in the forest, does the earth scream out in pain?

With all the women’s-libbers burning their bras, how did we end up with all that “equal opportunity” hiring in the first place?

Why is it that if I work too hard then there is not enough time for her BUT If I don’t work hard enough then I’m a good-for-nothing bum?

Do true lesbians reject even phallic-shaped toys because they hate men (and therefore their genitalia) so much? Am I truly alienating some of my potential readers by asking questions that include words such as "sex" and "genitalia"? Or do my open-minded readers not mind that at all?

“What’s The Rush?”

What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not get? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Do Roman paramedics refer to I.V.s as "4s"?

Stupid Politically Incorrect Question: What’s Black and really long?
(The line at Popeye’s.)

Would you ever miss it if I forgot to post anything about lesbians?

Why is it that when a guy tries to keep himself in shape, he is vain BUT if he doesn’t then he’s just a fat slob?

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it is not included?

Here is another stupid online question: “Can a boy wear a tampon or a Maxi-pad or will that give him toxic shock?”

“Why Not?”
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)

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