
8 people read and 28 upvoted. Must have been the picture that did it. Reading is so old fashioned :)

L learned that posting my stories lol!

But I don't know 10 people...

Wait, I don't know anybody, so I am most likely never to receive one of those messages. (wipes sweat from forehead.)

I can get you a good deal on a headstone... I used to sell them when I managed cemeteries!

I knew it would happne one day!


Oh, you better believe it can happen! You better get around to forwarding it before it's too late. :D

Already too late!!!

I must be a cat, because I've ignored 8 of those emails so far...

I guess you better hope you don't get another one!!!

Here in Italy we call it "Catena di Sant'Antonio". Some years ago the messages arrived throught the postal service, now they arrive in the email :P

Facebook used to be covered with them... "If you send this to 10 people you'll be rich in 2 weeks... If you don't..." By the way, my dear friend... I'm going to start reposting The Night Gods (part1) with the rewrite... I need some advice about how to tie the two stories together for the book.

I'll love to read again NG part 1! The first time I was so impressive by it, so it will be a pleasure, dear friend!

I just finished the first post- it's a combination of the first two chapters that I'll repost tomorrow. I need some ideas on how to combine the two stories... The first part is too important to the overall story not to include. I still want it to be separate, a short story, but tied to the second part.

I can understand how it's difficult to tie the 2 stories, both are beautiful and different even similar (I know, it sounds strange), but you're an excellent author, so I know that you'll do the better ^_^

Something will come to me I hope!

haahhahhahhaha :D :D i got everytime these kinda idiotic msgs :P

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