Fixing Steemit

in #humor7 years ago


Seeing that it took me 6 tries to post a story earlier, I thought I'd better roll up my sleeves and try to get to the bottom of the problem!

Everybody knows how much I love Steemit and want to see it back running normally for us all. I've worked tirelessly, applying all of my vast technological expertise (which extends to checking my email successfully most of the time) and enormous resources and I've come up with three possibilities to explain the malfeasances, as well as the DDos attacks... I believe it to be the same people behind both...


Google Images

We all know the effect that Russian hackers had on the last American election. Turning their backs on a sweetheart deal for 20% of our uranium, they hacked into the election balloting mechanisms so brilliantly that they were able to hack the states that use paper ballots as well.


Google Images

We are all aware of Bigfoot's desire to perserve his anonymity- I think someone involved with Steemit may have gotten too close and provoked him (her?) into these viscious attacks.



It could happen! We all know that Al Gore invented the internet, so who better to be behind these attempts to disrupt Steemit and keep intrepid Steemians from posting. This theory will be put to the test during the next election... If Al Gore promises to fix the problems if elected, then we'll know we have our man!

GIF by @papa-pepper


I thought it might be Kris 'The Crusher' Kringle and his elf hacker sweatshop running DDOS attacks from the north pole.

Three very good possible culprits.
I'm gonna go with Al Gore being the #1 suspect... because I just dislike him. (good deductive reasoning, hmmm?)

If he was at Harvard in the late 60's, he was probably buying my acid... That even makes him look more suspicious!

You know, I didn't have Gore on my list, but like you said he did invert the internet...hmmm?

It is none of the above, but the ghost in the machine.
A problem that has been known since the beginning of the machines and always the ghosts have evolved faster as the machines have.


I'm still leaning toward Al Gore!

Steemit ate a post of mine for the first time yesterday. Fortunately, it was a shorty. Otherwise I would have been livid because I spend a ridiculous amount of time on my content...I'm sure you can relate!

One chapter of my NG stories usually takes 6-10 hours to write!

seems reasonable.
Steemit seems to be working now.

This made me are so right!

I wish they'd fix this... I wonder if there's anything good on my feed??? All I get is a blank page!

I'm going to bet on a Bigfoot/Al Gore conspiracy, Rich.

This way they can point at each other and leave red herrings to get us off the true trail!

I have photographic evidence

I was leaning that way myself... The whole Russian hacker thing would jeopardize the financial solvency of the Clinton Foundation!

I sent for a floppy reader (it was cheeep) Only $13.95 from Amazon.

so you shouls have a whole new source of material to post ;>

Was also having annoying issues its been said this could be because of updates I would honestly rather have less updates on steemit and have it functional but I know many want the updates.

I'm with you buddy... I'll take the good old Seemit that works!

yea, steemit was down for a bit this morning

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