A Question Of Sex: An Old Guys Views Of Gender

in #humor7 years ago

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[After a week of depressing posts on pedophilia, I need a little humor. For most investigators it just that, investigation, but for me it's personal having to relive experiences day after day... so this weekend- I'm going to have some fun!]

I'm one of those people whose mind starts racing when I finish my prayers and try to go to sleep. Last night, I started thinking about sex... Not that way, about all of the new genders we now have. At last count, it was somewhere between 58 - 76 (these figures are a few days old so it may be over 100 by now). I began to wonder what on earth they could all be.

When I was young there were only 3- men, women and dinosaurs. Actually, it was men, women and the occasional homosexual. Homosexuality was viewed by mental health experts as a form of mental illness. Then public perceptions began to change, and now mental health professionals are telling us that there are between 58- 76 different genders which makes me suspect that things have come full circle and that it's the mental health professionals not homosexuals that are mentally ill.

If there are in fact 76 different genders, how can you tell them apart? Or, how do they recognize each other for that matter? Do they each have a secret handshake? Clearly before having sex with someone it would be necessary to know that your prospective partner is compatible. Is intergender sex permissible? So many questions! What pronoun should we use? Do they each come with their own pronoun? Given so many choices, how do you know where you fit in? I suggest a gender roulette wheel... Spin the wheel, pick a "Gender of the Day."

What I really wonder is what they all are. First there was heterosexual and homosexual. Then in the 60's or 70's came unisexual- the androgynous thing. Now reason has seemingly departed and confusion set in. As I tried to fall asleep, I thought and thought about what all of these different preferences could be... I once knew a kid when I was up in New Hampshire who admitted having sex with a cow- would that be Bovisexual? When he told me that the cow didn't feel it, I suspected he might in fact be Microsexual.

I have, on occasion, had sex while swimming- would that make me Aquasexual? A friend once quipped that "I'd f**k a pile of rocks if I thought there was a snake underneath"- would that make me Omnisexual, Multisexual, or perhaps Herpesexual? If someone prefers Hispanic women- would he be Mexisexual? Well, when I got up this morning, I began looking at some prefixes to help clarify things. What would you call someone attracted to this offensive distasteful person...
Aversexual? Or to someone that clearly isn't "right?"


Would they be a Lunasexual or a Psychosexual? Where would these folks fit in?

01f.jpg I ain't even touching these (in more ways than one).

So after all this, I decided to find out what some of these gender categories actually are. Without going through the whole list (many of which have binary categorizations???) here are some of my favorites... Vapogender- "feels like smoke; often feels whispy." Glassgender- "very sensitive and fragile." Espigender- "exists on a higher or extradimensional plane" (my favorite). Cisgender- "The feeling of being the gender you were born with" (how boring).

If I was to identify as an Eskimo lesbian midget, I wonder where I would fit in and find others like myself? Thanks for stopping by... I'm @richq11 and I think.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Soon everybody will have to become mono sexual, aka owner operators,, then the problems will be self correcting.

Rosy Palm and Freddy fingers..

Yup, that is my gender identity!

BONEY fingers!

Never let you down! Rosie even made me a sandwich afterwards!

absolutely right..
and never turn you IN either.
years later..


At my age it's pretty much the only option left!

just think of the fun you had getting there though. The moderns will have so many hangups they won't get any pleasure or satisfaction.
The old options were enough for me, male, female, queer.

Worked for me too!

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The only trouble with this gender ideology is that they are trying to force it on other people.

If I do not know you, I do not know your gender. And since our language has gendered pronouns, I must use those.

Or, in other words, if I do not know you, I will refer to you as what you look like sex-wise.

Trying to force me to make accommodations for who you are is asinine, and I really don't care, and can't care, unless I know you as a friend.

Else, having words that describe how you feel is a good thing. It helps with communication. But, just like you don't use stock terms with someone who isn't a trader, don't expect me to be up to date on genderisms.

I understand that in California now it's a criminal offense not to use gender neutral pronouns... so I suppose "it" would fit everyone.

Very nice post, but I just need to point out that even if you somehow manage to determine the gender of the person you might want to have sex with, there's no guarantee they'd wake up the same sex in the morning, as people these day are gender fluid. You might go to bed with a woman and wake up with a man next to you... I wonder if that would somehow make you gay?
Where on Earth have you found those pictures?!?

Good point... I figure as long as the plumbing fits... I had to search long and hard on Google for them

The situation you describe happened to me when I was in Portugal while on liberty. I was drinking quite a bit the night before.

Wow that is a lot of genders, I think I will also have to look them all up! Maybe its just the way people feel and no one needs to classify it and make it a thing. It seems like this whole gender thing might be going a bit over the top. Either way you have my curiosity and I am going to look the list up lol.

I should have bookmarked the page. There are some pretty weird things. Truthfully- I was happy with 2!

That was hilarious and tragic all at once lol! I had never bothered to check into what these various genders might be, thank you SO much for enlightening me.
Vapogender? It is far worse than I imagined. These people cannot even understand the difference between biology and feelings? OK, wispy one, let me help you out here. Pull your head down a bit. No, no, a little more. All the way out of your butt, now have a look. Is there anything dangling between your legs...?

I know... After I said my Rosary last night I started thinking about what all of them could be and my mind just took off (the part about the kid and the cow was true lol!)

I do not doubt it... I forget which southern politician admitted his first "experience" was with a donkey...
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I can tell the differance, but I am a nurse. Coming soon I will have to pretend I dont know what sex someone is or I will be fined.

I have heard of Asexual...no interest in sex. honestly these high fancy think tanks have way too much time on their hands creating these categories. Maybe they never fell in love and are intellectualizing it too much. LOL

Being old I try not to think about Asexual... I've become Infrequesexual, but not by choice. I agree about the think tank folks... like I said in the post- I think the loonies are running the asylum!

It may be an attempt by some folks to further diminish values, God and the family structure. Thanks.

Lunasexual, what are they?? XD Oh My God!

Well I do hang out at the Moonbot Discord server. Does that make me a Lunasexual? (Yes that is me in the space suit. A little bit of my Gimp (Photoshop alternative) magic.)

It's crazy they look scary to me!

haha good stuff @richq11. You got to have a laugh sometimes. Funny post. "micro-sexual" haha!

You were the only one that got that!

No, I got that reference as well. Just didn't want to say anything as according to my last girlfriend, I resemble that remark. lol

what does that say about me??!! For the record, I am debilitated by the size of my junk ;)

You think...there fore you iz...

Or wuz! I just got the bottom of the Russian collusion scandal... It was Vladimir Putin that was colluding with the Russians!

Imagine that.
who would have ever guessed?


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