Put That Inspirational Poster Where The Sun Don't Shine
You can't escape them....inspirational quotes....they're f!#kin everywhere! When did our society become so depressing that we need inspirational sayings flashed in front of us all over the place? They're on posters, memes, t-shirts, bags, computer wallpaper, billboards....I could keep going but you get the picture. The damn things are everywhere. I mean, to need hundreds of thousands of inspirational sayings plastered in decorative fonts with lovely landscape backgrounds our society must really be a s$%tty place.
@rainbowllama hates sayings that are inspirational.
I personally find myself inspirational enough. I wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and say "hot damn you're a an amazing, sexy, youngish thing." Staring at my reflection in the mirror is all the inspiration I need to go out in the world and let others bask in my wonderfulness.
When people look at me as I strut down the street I give em a wink and smile to let them know @rainbowllama has just given them a second of his attention making them special. I can't tell you how many people I've inspired just existing on this fine planet Earth.
I wonder who ruined society by starting the trend of mass producing inspirational crap? I don't want you to send me a meme with a quote from some historical figure to console me after a bad day! I don't want to wear a t-shirt that says "Keep Calm and Love Llamas" as a sign I love myself so damn much....I do but I don't need to advertise it with a t-shirt.
If you want some inspiration why don't you give up off your butt and put down the social media so you can actively change the world. The world sucks. So do something about it. Don't rely on mass produced inspirational quote images to make you feel inspired. Get up and do something to make the world a place worth living in so we don't have to stare at images on a screen to feel good about life.
End of @rainbowllama rant for the day..
Though u express it so bluntly, there is some truth in what you are saying. Some people are really into these inspirational quotes. Personally, I think they r good once in a while to serve as reminders abt how life can actually be. They can help when u r having a super crappy day (some quotes r powerful enough to temporarily lift your spirits or give u momentary courage) or super fantastic day (some quotes add more feel good vibes to your day). But yeah, to have them shoved in your face every single day- and especially when you are in a mood that is somewhere between these two extremes, doesnt add-value to life.
Good call to action at the end, one of the reasons why i think this is a good rant! Hehe :)
Btw, what inspirational quote(s) inspired u to write this post? ^_^
I agree. Inspirational stuff serves a purpose and can help when you're having a good or bad day. That being said I think we as a society have gone overboard with having them all over the place all the time. I think the "keep calm" series is the most annoying and inspired this. It's been hijacked for capitalist purposes. I see it on t-shirts and other junk you can buy. I really don't find it inspirational at all but it's making someone a pretty penny.