When I see Downvotes on my Cents making posts.

in #humor5 years ago


My mood whenever I do my daily Steem routine, opening Steemd and Steemit/Busy/Tribes to see people's comment and engage with them. Then the downvotes notification which pisses me off often and often because this foolish attitude has been empowered by the Devs and witnesses who created a separate pool for flagging.

Who flags penny making blogposts?

None but some dickheads, maybe rouge bots still roaming the Steen chain and its not looking like they'll all go down anytime soonest. Not that I make any money here but some bad apples kept coming after me daily, maybe some other Steem-hopefuls who still come back despite the disappointment in the price. I hope this won't chase all Active users away if nothing is done to this barbarous act.


Greetings friend @oluwoleolaide.

I have also been a victim of downvotes.

Surprisingly for me I found posts written by witnesses of the chain where they claim that downvotes are beneficial to the community. Many declare that those pennies do not belong to us until the day when the payout is fulfilled, therefore we should not feel that they are "taking away" or "stealing" something from us.

I particularly think that this downvote process should be reformulated, perhaps by adding an option to "justify your flag" or something like that. At least to know what the punisher thought when he cast his negative vote.

I hope this won't chase all Active users away if nothing is done to this barbarous act.

I also have that same hope.

All best, Piotr.

You made a very valid suggestion, i hope someone on the Techy Train sees it and ponder on it.

At least those downvotes are the no damage kind that camillesteemer has been throwing around at everyone with it's hundreds of no power accounts. Like a fly buzzing around your head, they do no damage, just annoy you. It's best to just ignore them.

Oh, so its the same camillesteemer with an Army of BOTs? Gosh

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