Trump Rejects - Then Approves Emergency Aid for California Wildfires

in #humor4 years ago (edited)

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Trump Rejects - Then Approves Emergency Aid for California Wildfires: President Trump first rejected giving any emergency aid to wildfire-ravaged California, then finally gave in and approved the funds after Governor Gavin Newsom made a personal plea during a phone call to the President.

Interesting - especially, when you consider that last year, Trump offered immediate assistance to Putin, when wildfires were raging in Siberia. Of course, I fully understand that is a completely different type of situation. After all, California didn’t get Trump elected back in 2016 - Putin did.

Now, not that our dear President would ever consider a Tit-for-tat arrangement or anything of that nature. I mean, we all know a man of such impeccable ethics as Donald Trump, would never utter anything like “OK, but I need you to do us a favor, though.”

On the other hand, let’s get real. All Gov. Newsom would have to do, is simply promise Trump he’ll open up an investigation into Hunter Biden - then just sit back and watch the federal funds start flowing, almost as fast as lies can flow out of Donald Trump's mouth.

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