I May Have a Problem!

in #humor6 years ago



I like to communicate, which mostly means writing, and as a writer I have a love-hate relationship with punctuation. Well, I don't exactly hate it, it's more of a love-uncomfortable feeling relationship.

I know where to use a period to end a sentence but the rest of it is pretty much up for grabs. I like to think I know where to put a semi-colon (other than part of a winky-face) but it might end up as a dash-mark instead. I'm a proud user of the Oxford comma (https://annhandley.com/oxford-comma/) because I read about it once and thought it was a good idea. When I use quotation marks it's a 50-50 chance as to which side of it I'll put a punctuation mark.

I have now written two paragraphs without an exclamation point.
I have now written two paragraphs without an exclamation point!

Do you see the difference?

The first sentence is a simple declarative. No big deal. The second (at least to me) calls attention to itself with a bit of humor. The difference is the exclamation point. And that's where I may have a problem.

I like them. I may like them too much. When I'm reading something I wrote I will often go back and change a period to an exclamation point. Very rarely do I remove one. I tell myself I can stop any time. And then I tell myself it's not like they cost extra to use! But it might be a bad sign that I can find the symbol on my keyboard with my eyes closed.

I console myself that it hasn't reached the point of using more than two at a time. I heed the warning that Terry Pratchett gives in Maskerade:

And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.
I do not want to be that person!

And yet, spellcheck can't help me with this. Nothing can stop me from overusing exclamation points!(!!!) except my own self-control.

So tell me, is this the sort of thing you care about, or even notice? Does this, or other misuses of punctuation offend you? Are you sympathetic to my plight? Or otherwise? (Uh oh. I may be developing a problem with the question mark.)

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I am a member of #ccc by @freedomshift


I think emojis are the new overused punctuation. So many options when you start to add that second and third exclamation point... now the sky is the limit :) I am a bit formal in business communication. Younger people don't draw the line between business and social interactions as sharply. To answer your question, overuse of punctuation or even gasp emojis in business communication offends me.

I'm gasping here too - emojis in business communication? Oh dear me no. I hadn't thought of emojis as punctuation but you're right, they're being used that way. I've been trying to learn them because 'everyone's doing it' but they feel very awkward to me. I might be better off staying old fashioned.

Amazing! Post !! Liked Voted and Resteemed!!!

LOL! Thank you!!

Nice of you to drop by !!

I have that same problem with commas , in part because I can a handful of rules. Most likely the rules about commas that I enjoy most. The other challenge I have is this ....(hopes of getting everyone to read that as a dramatic pause, which rarely works.). I enjoyed your view on exclamation points.

Random commas? Cool!
I use the ... in the same way - a dramatic pause or as a trailing thought. Not sure what they are called but I like them!

That is hilarious how your post it fits in with my remark @rentmoney post on crazy remarks. 😂 😆 😜

That's why I took the liberty of posting the link there, seems like we were thinking along the same line! :-)

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