Shoe Shots No. 13 ~ A Sad Day Out In The Rain ~ Original Photography and Very Short Scenario of Sorts ~

in #humor7 years ago (edited)

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Have You Seen My Significant Other?

A chance encounter while pedaling my bicycle through town the other day.

In further, deep ponderance, I see one of two possible scenarios:

Scenario (A)

Someone pedaling by on the bike path dropped their favorite, colorful gym shoe off the rack on back, and still hasn't come back to recover it.

Maybe they stopped under an eave somewhere, waiting for the rain to stop, since they ARE on their bike. And it's raining.

Or they are now at work, sitting behind their desk, bummed out and glancing up at the clock on the wall every five minutes, rather than finishing their work as intended. All the while, hoping against hope that when they backtrack the bike route at 05:30 PM, the mate to their favorite shoe will still be wherever it was dropped. Which is here.

Scenario (B)

'The Flash', zooming by in the all new and improved, Neon-Nighttime, safety super-suit, leaped a puddle, and lost a shoe. By the time our superhero slowed down four seconds later in The Big Apple, 2543 miles away, that nagging annoyance of a small pebble in the right 'shoe' really took effect.

Looking down, our Flash discovered there was nothing but a spiffy, super-hero be-stocking'd right foot on the pebbly street below. "Hmm, must have lost it somewhere east of Seattle," is all our speedster can come up with, startling an older woman passerby in a brown woolen coat on the sidewalk of N.E. South-West 23rd Avenue East.

We can all hope it's the first scenario. After all, it takes longer to carefully 'backtrack' the entire continental US than riding your bike across town after work to find your miss-placed shoe. Even if you are very very fast.

Whoever lost the cool footwear, I hope they found it before the giant street sweeper came by and gobbled it up. That would be a waste of a perfectly good, very pink athletic shoe.

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I've always wondered how people manage to lose a shoe in the street. You never see blouses lying in the street or suit jackets. It's always shoes. You'd think someone would notice their shoe coming off. They'd have to walk funny the rest of the way home. Do they have mean friends who throw their shoes out of car windows? I don't know, but I'm glad I can count on your to bring these things into the open. The mainstream media has been silent too long.

I shall do my best to keep the masses informed. I've always wondered the same thing. At the airport not too long ago, there was one shoe just sitting there at the TSA thingy, by itself. I don't even think they'll let you on a plane with one shoe. Go figure. The world is truly an amazing place.

I think it is an art piece called "traction lost" or some such.
I qualify most things I see and don't understand as "art". It makes life easier.

I do like that philosophy. And the 'traction lost' very muchso.

Whenever you see something like that, it really does make you wonder...

I do find them rather humorous...

Excellent post dear friend @ddschteinn ideal for a rainy day, good to lose a sneaker rainy day, congratulations dear friend for this crativo work that has printed his style.
I send you a big hug and have a good weekend

After a few hours of careful examination, I have astutely observed that the laces on said sneaker are still tied. This concludes me to vote for scenario (A).

Funny stories of the lonely pink shoe on the wet road! I especially like the Scenario A.... I really like the way you imagine and create the story! Um! I enjoyed reading it very much! Thanks for sharing! ;D

Lol, it is unusual to just see one. Maybe The Flash will return tootsweet!!

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