My Favorite Geeky Webcomics

in #humor8 years ago

As a self-professed geek, there's a particular brand of humor that hits the mark. Here are my favorite webcomic series:


There's a good chance you are already familiar with xkcd. If not, it's your lucky day: you are one of today's lucky 10,000. Go there and check it out: they say there's a comic for every occasion (see above).

Don't miss the hover text on all the comics. and go to Explain xkcd if any of the comics go over your head. Randall's What If? blog is also a great place for absurd exploration of everyday questions.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

SMBC doesn't exclude anything: it makes fun of science, economics, humanities, absurdities, on plain old dick jokes to balance the geekiness.

It's often politically incorrect, which makes it even better. Recent comics also provide extra jokes in the hover text and most of them have an extra panel on the red button below the comic.

Check out the books which are great for your coffee table if you don't mind occasionally shocking your visitors.

Geek and Poke

Warning: this one is mostly for software developers. Most comics are jokes about the industry that are so true that's almost not funny. Which makes it hilarious.

Doghouse Diaries

Doghouse Diaries sarcastic humor generates hit after hit. A couple of my favorites: Color Wheel and 7 Ways To Get Attention On The Internet

The Perry Bible Fellowship

PBF often textless comics rely on absurdism to great comic effect. After a long time without updates, it's getting occasional drops of new content. And it's always worth the wait.

What are your favorite webcomics? Do you follow any of those?

don't forget to follow @burnin for more things like this (and unlike this as well)


what about someone from steemit? :) ? :)

Nice, didn't know Followed.

I need some of my "trendy" mates to see Beard Facts....

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