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in #humor4 years ago

Hi, all...!!! It's 'me' again :>)

Okay, okay...I know you just saw a stupid post from me yesterday...but, it's raining outside which prevents me from comfortably taking a leisurely drive around the neighborhood, to yell at people walking around with friggin masks on their faces...!!!

My car has a big hole in the roof from when it got hit with a meteor last year!!! It's a good thing that I was already parked and half out the door when the damn thing came blasting down. It only smacked my right arm and leg.

Anyway...I'm a lot better now from my treatment at the local hospital by the best Veterinarians in the area. We keep trying to get regular doctors to work there, but they all refuse to work for room & board, plus commission...!!!

The commission offered is substantial too...for every patient they treat, they earn one cat, three dogs and a salamander. Only Veterinarians have shown an interest, because they like animals, don't like to pay rent and don't know how to cook for themselves.

Well...that's about it for now my friends. Hope your day is a blast (Not the kind from meteors hitting your car)

Bye for now.

@AngryMan - April 26, 2020

Image: Pixabay.com

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