OH-NO...!?!?!?!? I 'AM' Mentally Ill...!?!?!?

in #humor5 years ago (edited)

After many years of questioning my own sanity, along with that of other people I stumble across along life pathways...at seventy years of age, I thought that I'd discovered all my mental flaws and overcome them; but...


Holy-shmoley...I've just recognized another somewhat disturbing aspect of my twisted personality; I'm a friggin brush freak of the highest order!?!?!? I'm a hoarder of brushes that serve many different purposes in duplicate, triplet and quadruple as well.

It is Quite Disturbing

Here's a photo of the spread that got me thinking about my newly discovered, obsessive compulsion, with more proof to follow.

These are a mere sampling of the nature of the problem; so bear with me, my friends, before offering any poo-pooing, consoling or any other chuckling and making light of my fear...It is much worse than what you see here.

The brushes you see in the above photo have been sitting in that spot for over a month, since I finished a bit of painting within my humble abode. WHY are they still resting in their randomly chosen spot upon a table top after having completed their task??? (I hear you ask...)

Well...I let them stay there in order to remind me, I had been thinking about going further with the chore of painting ceilings and walls, elsewhere in the house.

I've heard their little whispers beckoning me to take notice of them, here and there...they've not failed at their assigned task of signaling me; it is 'I' who may have failed them. I've been amiss, I tell ya...completely adrift within other wasteful activities, giving little thought to painting, with no regard for the tender souls of those patient, little, hairy servants awaiting my call...

Gaze if you will, at a few more of my collection hanging down in the dark, musty, dungeon-like confines of my basement (below) far from their forlorn comrades laying idly by up-stairs:

Care to see additional proof of my recently discovered malady dear friends...??? Gaze then if you will upon additional images of my growing hoard...

Those are some of my artist brushes, above. They have been accumulating over the years, mysteriously appearing it seems from out of thin air; like magic. Just like the ones below:

Yes...I do and have on occasion dabbled my hand in artistic pursuit for varying periods of time; another sign of mental instability. There have been days in my past when I'd decide to set aside the burdensome chore of earning money for food, clothing and shelter by transforming into an Artist of sorts.

But, that's another story...for another day perhaps...???

Look at how many tooth brushes I have... I only need and use one...why do I have four?!?!?

They're just another sign of my mental illness, I guess. I don't even remember buying them; if I did...? Maybe most of these brushes have been planted here in a stealth manner, by individuals as a joke, or in an attempt to make me think I'm crazy, when I'm not nuts at all?


At least I only have one hairbrush. That's a sign I've not completely gone astray from reality; right?

Wait a minute? Now that I think of it...I have another hairbrush, just like this one sitting out on the porch, that I use for my cat, and another toothbrush too, for brushing kittens. Those pet brushes merely add to my cat's collection, below:

Yes...you read that right...I wrote "my cat's collection"...because I'm beginning to suspect that it's my cat who might be compiling most of these brushes laying around the house...?!?!?!? It's possible...she ventures out quite frequently, wandering around the neighborhood...

Maybe she's been stealing the damn things?!?!?!?

Here's a shot of my masonry bucket below with a few more brushes to share with you. I remember buying these at least, and they sit idly by ever since I retired some years back (I used to work at home remodeling and repair along with whatever else I stumbled into)

Well...I'd better end this little lament here...it's getting to be quite a long post and I'd hate to upset you guys any further with this embarrassing expose'.

Besides, I probably should go and GOOGLE search for a local Shrink to set up an appointment with; one who may have some answers and proper therapy to treat my psychological disorder. I'd probably do best with a head doctor who specializes in brush hoarding; so, that's what I'll diligently do.

Listen, friends...I'm outta here for now. Thanks for reading. Let me know if you have the same problem with brushes as me, if you care to.

Till next time...


Just Another Mix of Madness from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit, Jan. 8, 2020


O no I hope you can get your mental state fixed.

Posted using Partiko Android

:>) It will be a challenge, my friend, to fix my mentally ill State … There are millions of suffering inhabitants here!!!

Listen, I've done a bit of research and according to google the brush collecting thing is quite normal. Apparently it only becomes a problem if you start covering them in bits of toilet paper and laying them out in neat lines on the table.
I'm sure you'll be grand.

Apparently it only becomes a problem if you start covering them in bits of toilet paper and laying them out in neat lines on the table.

Well then...fortunately I used paper towels to cover mine instead of toilet paper. Phew…. You have certainly saved me from a mound of despair, my @deirdyweirdy through your research.

Such a true friend I have in you :>)

Phew Mr. angryman, that's a relief. We're the only two sane people left 'round here...... and of yourself, I'm not so sure of late.

Mere birds of a feather...flocking together, we iz... :>)

What a coincidence. I just happened to buy an electric toothbrush today and then I came home to find this brush post.

Wonders shall never cease, my friend...we were somehow entuned psychically, is my guess...??? Has something to do with the great Universal Mind :>)

There's only one cure, I am afraid. Come and paint the inside of my house.

Oh @riverflowsfinally I have the solution at hand...!!! I'll be on the next bus out of town, heading your way :>) Keep a couple of peanut butter and jam sandwiches on hand for my arrival (Preferably organic)

Your claim of insanity is just a smokescreen , i see what this post really is , second picture , the one with the SHOCK absorber in the top right corner , there's a newspaper wrapped brush with a hidden message on it,


I do not know what code this is or what it means , still analysing the other pictures , text like , brush cleaner preserver or that blond orange hair stuck in that hair brush you hold there are under great suspicion and need further examination . Then cat brushes and big hairy ones laid out so they create triangles ? i must be on to something here .
So be aware , i am watching you ......... ;-)

Oh, man...You're on to me @small1axe . I'm communicating with the international intelligence agencies, but you'll never break the code. If you actually do… we'll have to unfortunately use our directed energy weapons upon your footwear, shrinking them in size.

Jup , a hard to crack code indeed , anyway , thanks for stopping the orange dictator from invading Mesopotamia so the end of mankind will be shifted in to a further away future . Still can't exactly translate your messages , i guess your advice to smoke a Sativa instead of an Indica and use an other man's brush to bring the orange hair back in to order while we must not forget the old art and power of the Egyptian structures did it's job by reaching the right people .
Pointing a direct energy weapon at my shoes ? , well always better as having it pointed at the foot i live on as it is now . Then again , shrink my footwear , i hardly wear it , from now on it sits under 24 hour video surveillance , imagine the post i could make of that .
Also , could someone tell those man in black " secretly " posting in my street , that i make a fine coffee , way better as that starfbuck's they slurp all day , there welcome . ;-)

lol, i do the same thing. I have i think 8 old toothbrushes lying around and i might end up needing one of these like once a year.

Paintbrushes on the other hand, if you clean them correctly before storing them, will always be useful later, so I don't think that is mental illness, that just makes financial sense to me. :)

Eight toothbrushes...!?!?!? That's worse then me :>)

I usually clean and preserve my paint brushes fairly well. Some of them are over forty years old. Certain things just happen to gravitate towards me, whether I need them or not :>)

Yes...I do and have on occasion dabbled my hand in artistic pursuit for varying periods of time; another sign of mental instability.

Ah! Come on @angryman. You don't have anything to worry about just yet. I see you still lack of a few artistic brushes to be officially declared like an authenthic brush hoarder with a proper mental illness.

You still have to have those special brushes which serve to 'repair' and revamp those totally wrecked, irreparable and destroyed surfaces like the one you use to see every morning upon waking up. And then, after that impossible mission once again, add these to your cool brushes collection to really enjoy the laurels of the hall of fame as a master brush hoarder. :)

Hmmmmnnnnnnn….I have at least three of those brushes. Maybe four...??? Nawwwwww; more like five or six, perhaps seven?

I knew you couldn't get out of this 'questioning' unharmed.

You are indeed an authentic brush hoarder master my friend. Only, without the mental instability. LoL

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