If a person is poor, how humble can he live?

in #humble2 years ago
  1. Go to the grave empty-handed.

  2. I chose marriage because I was poor, and the person I married was not what I liked, because I couldn't afford the bride price, and I couldn't afford to marry.

  3. I do a job I don’t like every day, but I have to do it. I am afraid that the boss will fire me. After I lose my job, I will not be able to find a job for several months. I will have no source of income and my whole family will go hungry.

  4. The company laid off employees. I saw a middle-aged man kneel down and beg the boss not to fire him, because he has a child to support, a mortgage and a car loan, and the medical expenses of the elderly are all supported by his money from working alone. In debt, the family will starve to death.

  5. In order to save 3 yuan for the bus, I walked step by step. It took me 110 minutes to commute to get off work, and the soles of my feet were soaked.

  6. Eat half of the meal at noon, eat the other half at night, and drink water when you are hungry.

  7. The husband and wife have not eaten meat for a month in a row.

  8. The classmate of Beidiao spent half a month with 100 yuan. He told me that those days will never be forgotten in this life.

  9. As soon as I became an adult, I started blind dates when I was 18 years old. When I fell in love, I thought about getting married.

  10. Because she was poor, she dared not go back to her natal family, for fear that her natal family would look down on her, saying that she looked poor when she ate and drank tea.

  11. In today's marriage, how many couples are unable to divorce because of poverty?

  12. A friend who failed in business, lost the former scenery, was thirsty, and once drank the water in the bathroom with his hands.

  13. A poor girl works part-time for a month and only sleeps three or four hours a day.

  14. I couldn’t go to work during the epidemic, and my neighbor’s 10 yuan egg cake was eaten with boiling water for five days. I was so hungry that I drank some water and slept to pass the time.

  15. The most frightening thing is that because of poverty, I finally chose to remarry.

  16. I never dare to take my child to the supermarket, for fear that the goods my child takes are too expensive and I can’t afford them, and the cashier will roll my eyes, which will hurt my self-esteem.

  17. When my aunt came to see me, she had no money to buy sanitary napkins, so she used the old clothes at home torn into shreds instead.

  18. When the child is sick and has no money to see a doctor, her husband doesn’t care about it. A full-time mother can only devote herself to a man who has thoughts about her for one night, and use the money from prostitution to see a doctor for her child.

  19. I haven't eaten for three days. When I saw a bowl of instant noodles that others had eaten, I walked over and finished the soup. It was winter, and the weather was very cold, and the soup was also very cold.

  20. There is no cooking oil for cooking at home, and money is a bit tight. I saw a blood donation car on the street. I went to donate blood and got a bucket of very small oil. Every time I pour oil when cooking, I feel like I am drinking my own blood.

  21. The three of us lived in a hotel worth 40 yuan with my boyfriend and his brother, and shared the same bed.

  22. Living in a relative’s house, you have to endure how they scold you, and you have to endure even the worst food. Although you feel uncomfortable, you must endure it, because you have nowhere to go.

  23. When I was young, my family was very poor. During the sports meeting, my classmates carried snacks such as chocolate, jelly, bread, and milk in their backpacks, but he only had a handful of peanuts in his bag. When he saw others eating happily, he Swallowing his saliva, he grabbed the peanuts in the bag and stuffed them into his mouth, which relieved his craving.

  24. I once read that if you were given 1,000 yuan to eat his shit, would you eat it?

When people are poor, they really have something to eat. There was a villager who ate shit that teased others ten times in a row and earned 10,000 yuan. He hardly ate anything for half a month and cried for several months.

  1. The poor can't afford bulletproof vests, so they can only become fathers.

  2. During pregnancy, she had no money for an inspection, her legs were swollen, her legs hurt when she walked, and she was lethargic. On the night of giving birth, the doctor told her that the baby had melted in her stomach and turned into a puddle of flesh, and one of the fetuses died. For more than a week, even the gender could not be seen.

  3. I have never dared to go to high-end and luxurious shopping malls and barbershops, let alone pedicure and bathing centers. I feel in my bones that I am not worthy of going to such places because of poverty.

  4. For two consecutive weeks, eat Flammulina velutipes every day.

  5. In the season of burning paper, have you ever seen someone pick up food in the cemetery with a big bag?

  6. Some people are poor and have never eaten chewing gum. They clamored for their mother to buy it, but their mother refused to buy it.

  7. Girls can commit themselves to the arms of men they don't like. Why not boys, for the sake of money, they can commit themselves to the arms of women they don't like. There is a huge age difference between the two, the boy is 22 years old, and the woman is 51 years old.

  8. The ex-girlfriend forced her parents to abort the child. My girlfriend and I knelt and begged together, but we couldn't keep the child even though we were forced to die. It will be an eternal pain.

  9. I used to rent a house and had no money to eat. There was an apple tree in the landlord’s yard. I ate apples that were not ripe for half a month, and they were sour and astringent.

  10. I am still underage, my parents are divorced, the school asks for tuition fees, my mother doesn't give it, so I go to my father to ask for it, yo bow my head and bend down to pick up the money he threw at my face.

  11. Will not take the initiative to ask friends out to play, afraid of making myself pay the bill, they will always be invited and treated.

  12. When I was young, my parents took me to KFC a few times, but now I only dare to go to KFC, I dare not go to Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Starbucks, and I have never drank the coffee there, for fear of being surprised by the price.

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