in #humble2 years ago
Humility means an attitude of being aware of one's own limitations and inadequacies, so that a person is neither arrogant nor arrogant. Humility is one of the commendable traits that is characterized by a simple, polite, not arrogant attitude, and does not exalt himself in front of others. In contrast to low self-esteem, a humble attitude tends to lead the perpetrator in a positive direction. One example of humility, among others, is not bragging about his strengths in front of others, always being open to input and advice from others, and always appreciating the success of others. Humility has also been proven to increase a person's ability to give meaning to the events that occur in his life, can encourage creativity, and even contribute to the search for one's life purpose. Humility itself is very important, because with humility, we can respect and appreciate others. With humility, we can respect the opinions of others and not impose our will on others. Humble behavior must be possessed by everyone, it aims to prevent you from being arrogant which could even harm you. Because your position in the eyes of others as well as the position of others in your eyes. If you respect him, he will respect you too. If you are arrogant, haughty and humble him, he will also humble you. Humans by nature do not like arrogant people, even a proud person does not like it when other people are arrogant. On the other hand, humans naturally like humble people, even arrogant people like humble people. How many arrogant people think he is high when he is low in the eyes of others. People who are on top of the mountain see other people small in front of him, even though other people see them small from a distance.


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