
gonna upvote, later. Seeme like I'm victim to a bug. My power is at 0.01 right now and I don't know why …
However: She won't change her mind. :)

I don't take back either invite nor the offer of being part of it. I love your idea and I love premieres and I wanna go fully down the Steem-path wherever it may lead! <3

🎈 Wiehoe! :>) 🎈

hey awesome I am looking forward to reading and watching this new direction in your posting :)

Thank you, carl! Can't wait to start (sharing) my new route :>)

I think you may want to ask before you start calling something Ho's. Lol. Microdocumentaries is an intriguing concept. They could be woven together to feature length even. I love travel and watching movies.

Haha! Who knows? Time will tell. I went back from (attempts at) feature projects to a filmmaking hiatus. Now I'm at the start of this exciting project. Something that starts out pretty small, which doesn't mean it can't end up becoming feature length, eventually. That's what I love about creativity. The possibility for organic and infinite growth.

We have a huge documentary film festival every year in the medium sized town I live near.


Are you from Raleigh? Fun fact: one of my friends - who was the screenwriter on some of my past film projects - is living in Morrisville, NC.

Awesome. Actually Durham. Look up Full Frame Documentary. It starts in a couple of months. In fact, they have a screening tonight (free) at the Carolina Theater of a doc called "Abacus: Small Enough to Jail." The festival usually screens about 100 films (to include premieres) over four days.

Cool! We got quite a huge documentary festival, here in the Netherlands, called IDFA (International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam). Two of my friends used to work there, but back then I wasn't making documentaries. Now one of them works at Netflix, haha!

Thanks for the info :>)

This is actually a very good idea. A "behind the scenes" documentary on Steemians. You get to travel, hear people's stories and get to do some film making. I would say you are welcome at my house any time, but South Africa is a bit "out of the way" and even if you get here, I am literally in the middle of nowhere lol

You get it, buddy! "Behind the Steems"... that has a nice ring to it. I will definitely keep your offer in mind. I heard some good stories about South Africa and I love the middle of nowhere. Furthermore, I would love to hear some of your viking stories first hand

Feel free to stop by Rottweil if you're close by :) I'm not sure my current life is interesting enough for a documentary, but you'd be welcome and it would be fun to meet you. :)

Danke schon! I will definitely keep that in mind

I got this tendency to talk about things instead of doing them

It is called @inuke syndrome.

Just kidding, But I feel you friend. These are the moments when we wanted to do something, but instead, we settle for something less and sometimes not worth the effort. But since you are suffering from the @inuke syndrome, You will think that It is OK.

Does that make sense to you?

Haha! Next time I will tell people that I suffer from the inuke syndrome, that sounds way cooler. The difference between the Inuke syndrome and what I'm 'suffering from' or experience, is that I don't think it is OK. Therefore I try to change things.

I rock at talking and thinking but always have to push myself to be more of a doer...there you said it man ,this is one big thing i can relate to, but i'm working on it. Good post man , very inspiring

Good for you, buddy! I'm working on it too. At least that is something that we creatives are pretty decent at; working on things, looking for other ways.


Yaaay! :)

steementaries sounds like it could be an interesting thing to do XD And if you choose to share your thoughts and processes while developing the idea that would also make for interesting reading i think :)


Definitely! and sharing the process is exactly what I'm planning to do. Also I would probably make it more than just a 'reading', there might be some viewing too.

Thanks for the heads up :>)

Sounds awesome dude!
If you ever need a soundtrack you should hit me up. We can discuss your project or vibe of the film and I will do my best to underscore your film with sound magic ;)

I am super busy at this time, but in the next months up til summer I have a feeling we will meet somewhere.

Safe travels <3

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