#19 Humans Of Steemit : @normalbro (A Cheesecake Loving Guy With A Funny Sense Of Humour)


Welcome to Humans Of Steemit where interview the person behind the username.
Where we dig deep into the soul of a Steemian to discover who they are.

Now this is a guy who is on his own adventure in the magical land of Korea!

Get to know all about @normalbro



Who are you?

I'm a guy from Texas who is obsessed with the Korean language and I love cheesecake.

What makes your heart smile?

When I meet someone who also licks the syrup off of the plate after eating pancakes or waffles.

How did you get onto Steemit?

I got on thanks to my guy @ceesub who told me about it this summer when I got interested in cryptocurrencies.

Where do you want to die?

Hmmm well I've never thought about that but I definitely DON'T want to die on the john.....

What’s something you DON’T like about all this new technology?

It makes everything too accessible. For example, when I was younger and watched movies that ended with cliffhangers, it was really fun that it left me in a state of not knowing. Nowadays, if we get caught on a movie cliffhanger we just run to youtube and search 'such and such movie ending explained.'

What mistake do you keep making and why?

Spelling sweetsssj with 2s's.

Is there anything you wish you could unlearn?


If there was something you could un-do, what would it be?

I wouldn't go to university. Seriously all the information we need is in the library.... and YouTube. I'd say I gained more knowledge learning Korean and living in South Korea than I did sitting in debt in a university class back in the states.

Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

Beg for the library to be open.

What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?

Still trying to figure that one out... ive been sitting here for 10 minutes thinking.

What makes your belly ache with laughter?

Loud farts.

Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.

I've had a stuttering problem for as long as I can remember. Socially and mentally it held me back but one day when I was 18 I woke up and decided I wouldn't let it hold me back anymore.

What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?

An invisible one that speaks like Jafar's parrot from Aladdin.

What does Steemit mean for you?

It means I get to post what I want, come in contact with cool like-minded people, and make some moolah on the side as well.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Oswald Copplepot.

Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?

My mom because she taught me how to live. Funny fact, when I was a kid I used to hate when my mom made me go to Hobby Lobby with her. Fast forward many moons later I ended up working at Hobby Lobby during my last couple years of college.

What are you insecure about?


Describe your ideal life.

One without student loan debt.

Have you ever saved someone’s life?

I hope so.

What do other people think is weird about you?

I've never watched any of the Star Wars movies (please dont downvote this post because of that lmao). Actually I saw the latest film. I was bored one day and a friend asked me to go with him. Not that I have anything against Star Wars, I've just never had the urge to want to watch any of the films. Please dont hate me tho. If you ask me to watch it with you then I gladly will 👏👏

What do you think is one of the best things about you?

I'm a really good beatboxer, and I'm good with kids.

What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have?

Paying back student loans lol

If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?

An animated slice of cheese cake on a plate.

If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?

STEEM/SBD to rise to 300 USD, unlimited mileage points on Korean Air, give my family passports so they can come to Korea (seriously, none of them have passports....ㅠㅠ)

What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

An animated slice of cheese cake on a plate. Haha jk. I think about life when im alone.

What would you want to be written on your tombstone?

"He is not dead but sleepeth."

Who is the person you trust most?


What’s your favourite word?

별로 (this is a korean word and it means "not good." I really like it because the english language doesn't have a word that comes close to sounding like it. When you hear it sounds so fluid. Like a sound a child's toy would make.)

Who is your fave (or one of your favourite) Steemians and why?

My fave is @slowwalker because (s?)he pays alot of attention to details of nature and structures.

If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Good question. Probably driving without Korean license.

When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?

My beard is getting long.

What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

A group of crows is called a 'murder.'

What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

My nails are a bit dirty.

What is your nickname?


As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?

Well I try to participate in @ksolymosi 's brain games even though they make me want to throw my table across the room sometimes lol. I try to create content that serves some kind of value and I also try to upvote in the 'new' section often.

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

Haha, I love how obsessed you are with cheesecake!

@normalbro, it seems to me like you have a very interesting life being so split between USA and Korea.

I think it's very cool you took that step.


Thank you for being your funny self.
Thank you for showing us a snippet of your life.
Thank you for participating on Humans Of Steemit!

If you liked his interview, you definitely go on over to his blog @normalbro and hit that follow button!
And obvs, upvote and comment on his stuff!

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on this blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

I had help with editing by the lovely @deadsparrow. He is a good dude.
You should go talk to him.

BIG love,


@ashleykalila is my blog just in case you'd be interested to see what I write about!

Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


Ah, I love this series. I love how he says he trusts himself most. :) he is hilarious.

What makes your heart smile?
When I meet someone who also licks the syrup off of the plate after eating pancakes or waffles.

Haha :)

human nice your look

Nice to have you in our crew @normalbro

Great and fun intervju. I love the thing about Star Wars, lol:-)
This project is interesting, I think it's great to learn more about the people on Steemit<3

lol, the what you would change your name to question...cubblepot?? ma mahhn tho

Haha it is a cool name. Do you know The Penguin from the old Batman comics? That is his real name

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