#1 Humans Of Steemit : @meno


@meno is the very first person EVER EVER EVER to be featured on Humans Of Steemit!

Can we give the man a round of applause digitally please?
I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading his interview!
My heart blossomed open.
My smile grew wide.
I chuckled.
I laughed.
And I hope you love it too!

Just before we start, I am going to give you a bit of background info on Humans Of Steemit!

Humans Of Steemit showcases YOU.
Show who you are.
Get down to the nitty gritty of your entire being.
Steemit would not be here if it weren’t for you.
Steemit would not be good if it weren’t for you.

Recently, there has been a lot of speculation on the automatism (our beloved and not so beloved bot friends), being on here purely for monetary gains and where the humanity is missing on Steemit.

So let’s set that aside and show the humanity here. The people. You. We. Us.

There are two aspects to Humans Of Steemit!
A Q&A and Fun Crazy Steemit Thing!

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing is the space in which you can totally let go and be YOURSELF.
Show who you are.
Whether that’s a crazy dance video of you doing your ‘I am drunk and have no idea what I am doing but I am enjoying myself dance’ or you singing at your best to your fave karoake tune or a drawing of you looking all peaceful and wonderful or the best photo you ever took or ANYTHING!
As long as it is YOURS.
As long as it represents YOU!

Plus the deal is that ALL the SBD from this post (after payout) is transferred to the Human Of Steemit that is featured!
I get to keep the SP for organizing this, putting it all together and whatnot!

Whoop whoop!
Exciting stuff right?
So let's get right to it!


Let’s start this off ‘properly’. Who are you? Tell us anything and everything you’d like us
to know about you!

My name is Andres but I’ve been called MenO since I was 13 year old. By the way
Ashley, I had no idea the questions were going to be so difficult, this might to take some shirtless meditation on top of a mountain or something.
Well I was born in Ecuador South America, but I’ve lived in the US for most of my life now. I’ve worn many hats over the years, but the one thing that has always been true, is that I’m a musician, a songwriter.
What makes your heart smile?
I find it a bit crazy how this question can be so difficult to answer, but let me try. Well without a doubt music, listening, playing on stage, but that is only one dimension of myself.
I think the one thing that truly brings joy to my life is family, not only my own, but when I see the power of a close family. I’m sorry but I thought we were going to talk about Quantum physics, I know those questions. (not really)
How did you get onto Steemit?
Yes!!! Finally an easy one, well there is a character with a funny hat making a lot of noise out there. I saw one of his videos, read about Steemit in a few forums the good, the bad and decided, What's the worse that could happen?
Short after I found the Open Mic community, they are wonderful people that made me feel at home since my first entry, and I was hooked.
Where do you want to die?
Perfect, Quantum Physics I know this one. You see, an atom can be both here and not here….
Ok, on a serious note.
I don’t know, but maybe back in Ecuador, I’ve thought about this one for the past few years and I think I would like to be buried next to my grandpa, he was the family’s patriarch and a man who really shaped who we all are.
What’s something you DON’T like about all this new technology?
For the most part I love it, there are a few things that I believe can be improved. So I feel like if I say negative things I would be committing the pineapple pizza fallacy.
You can’t just stop eating pizza because someone puts pineapple on theirs, you would be robbing yourself of the spiritual experience.
But hey, that is why we are here today right? To talk about the pizza and tell people to forget about the pineapple. A few days ago I wrote about bots and my thoughts on the whole upvoting selling. It would be hard to explain it without boring a reader, but funny enough my little thesis/ramble has some pizza philosophy in there. Now that is kind of interesting…
What mistake do you keep making and why?
Doubting myself, I’m sure I’m not alone on this one, there are so many instances in my life where if I would have listened to my own advice, I would have scored a three pointer from the other side of the court.
We all struggle with self doubt, that’s nothing new, but I believe that It should be something that we actively tackle, and maybe even on a daily basis… like pizza… well not really, but yes, pizza.
Is there anything you wish you could unlearn?
This is another quantum physics questions… I would have to say no, because even though I hate knowing some things I’ve learned, I needed to know them, for some reason or another.
Even things about my own short comings that are without a doubt, learned behaviors, I would have to accept some sort of self rejection to say I would like to unlearn them.
Maybe the right approach would be to, learn to manage them better… What do you think? Do I get an A? I would give it to me…
If there was something you could un-do, what would it be?
Who was it that said, you mostly regret the things you did not do, more than the ones you did? Ronald Mcdonald was it? Some great philosopher guy I’m sure.
I think I mostly regret learning about Bitcoin in 2010 and thinking to myself, that sounds interesting, but I need to stay in the real world and go to work. It was probably more complex than that, there was a car, a princess and a final boss level, but you get the point.
Imagine that you magically have the ability to keep being alive without sleep, what would
you do with the extra time?

I don’t know specifically, but Honestly I’m always doing something so I don’t think I would struggle to find something to do. I do woodworking, real estate, stocks, cryptos,street pizza philosophy, Steem, soccer, and I always feel like the days run short.
So maybe I would be completely busy, maybe.
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?
Ok I got one, a few years back now me and my girl decided to go Mountain Bike riding,for some reason this park we went to had three different difficulty levels. Beginner level was a boring as paint drying, and medium was pretty good, but in one of those moments of idiotic bravery I took a turn into the Hard Course and saw my life flash before my eyes. I went down of what I could only describe as a all, don’t let anyone tell you it was a hill,
for what it seemed to like 10 minutes. The whole way down I’m thinking, OK so this is how I go, how stupid is this… What happened to the dying on stage rock fantasy thing?
Long story short I did not fall, don’t ask me how, it was not riding with great ability, I can guarantee it. I managed to stay on the bike with both my feet in the air making the weirdest acrobatic act that park has ever seen. I had to get off the bike and calm my nerves afterwards, needless to say we never went back.
What makes your belly ache with laughter?
Honestly I love comedy, but what’s most hilarious to me is to interact with people, just a
few days ago @clayboyn and I were discussing how to make cheap Ramen noodles and I laughed so hard I felt like I had done a thousand sit ups.
Which reminds me, you should talk to clay, he is one of the funniest guys on here and an
incredible writer too.
Tell us about 1 significant event in your life that really made you who you are.
There are so many, that it’s hard to choose, but if I had to pick one, just one. When I was just a little kid my grandpa went up to a little kid on the street who was selling mints and bought all of his candy, all of it from him, just like that. I was of course excited because I was going to give myself a sugar coma, but I did not understand as well why would grandpa do that… So I asked him… he said to me “look at this hands” I noticed the kid
had only two fingers per hand, he was probably born this way, I’m not sure. Then grandpa said “He could choose to be begging for food and money, instead he is working, I want him to remember the power of that decision”
My brain to this day stores that memory like a golden treasure, I think we all have shortcomings, we all have things we need to just work thru, but we can choose to dwell in how unfair life is, or we can go out and sell candies.
What would be the scariest monster you could imagine?
Yes, it would be some sort of Alien, maybe with some octopus like features. I don’t know the shape is probably not that important, just the fact that they would be not from this planet would probably send me screaming.
What does Steemit mean to you?
Steemit to me is the golden opportunity I had been waiting for, and I’m serious about that statement. Being a songwriter myself I’ve searched all the corners of the galactic
internets looking for places to share music, participate of a community and maybe,
because why not? Make a little pizza money. Never found it, until now, now there is a pizza right here next to my desk as I type this… If that is not perfection, then what is?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I don’t know if I would, honestly. I’m proud of the family life gave me, so if changing my name would somehow disconnect me from them, it would be weird.
Which person inspires you the most and why do they inspire you?
Probably my mother, she is a fantastic creative lady who has always been there to support anything we ever wanted to do. I think If I would have told my mom I wanted to be one of those “Free Phone” guys on the side of the road, she would have told me, of course yes you can do it, make sure you are not wearing black clothes, it's gonna be hot today.
Her unconditional love and support is very nspiring to her kids (us).
What are you insecure about?
If I have to answer that at a personal level, there are some days when I fear I might be getting too old to learn new things, and that can get scary. You know what I’m talking about right? Like 20 years ago when I was the one telling my mother to use the internet and a popup would ruin her experience. I feel like some new technologies are doing that to me.
What is this snap chat thing? I still don’t get it…
Describe your ideal life.
Me, the boss lady, the beach a small boat, a laptop and a dog named Toby that likes pizza.
Have you ever saved someone’s life?
I don’t think so, or at least no one has ever told me I did. But maybe this is a trick question and you are an FBI agent trying to find out if I’ve practiced medicine without a license so… no…. Never…
What do other people think is weird about you?
Some think it’s weird we raise Quails in our backyard, I love all animals and a few years back we decided to give it a try. I love them, they are not only cute, but they earn their keep. The eggs are just delicious.
What do you think is one of the best things about you?
I think most people will struggle with this question, but I won’t… check this out. The answer is 3.141592
Boom!! Secured the A+ with that one.
What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have?
There are those days were I wish I did not have a pool to take care of, the thing attracts bugs and little creepy crawlers and if you don’t fight back on the daily, it spawns new life.
Next home we buy…. No pool.
If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?
I’ve actually thought about this(i used to play video games), funny enough you ask. It would be a shield with a music Bass Clef on it.
If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
I’m going to do a Aladdin on Steroids here.

  1. Time traveling powers
  2. Flight
  3. Set the genie free (we hug and cry at the end)

What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
Mortality, how short life is and how I need to go do something and enjoy it. Yeap, that about sums it up.
What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
I think life might be about finding out the answer to this question, at least it seems like it to me.
Who is the person you trust most?
Tough to say, maybe my brothers. You are very close and don’t hide anything from each other.
What’s your favourite word?
Ninja, nuff said
Who is your fave (or one of your favourite) Steemians and why?
Way too many to pick one, way too difficult, but if i had to just name one for the sake of getting my A+ on this social experiment. One of my favorite one’s is @luzcypher , he embodies a lot of humanistic principles that are so rare now a days.
I would encourage anyone to read on his ideas of creating a better society. They are inspiring to say the least.
If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume
you had done?

They would probably be like… yeah, we knew he was doing the bitcoin thing (at least the older family members) we told him, that the government was not gonna have it, but oh well… he did not listen.
When you looked in the mirror first thing this morning, what was the first thing you thought?
Omg I’m getting old, look at all this grey invading the chin… What happened?
What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
Cows fart 30-50 gallons a day. Now that is pretty crazy to me.
What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed about you didn’t realize earlier?
All this pizza talk… maybe we should leave those bits out… what to do you think? totally kept them in hehe
What is your nickname?
Magnus Augustus Maximums Minimus Equalus , but that only for Sunday mass. The rest of the time everyone calls me MenO.
As a Human Of Steemit, how do you contribute to Steemit?
I believe the power of Steemit comes from its human capital, I believe that each one of us has a powerful story to share, a few jokes to tell and a few hugs to give. I believe that as individuals we can be interesting, but as a community we can be life changing. I just want to be another drop of water in the sea of abundance along every other Steemian who is here to celebrate these ideals.
Now I get my A+

Fun Crazy Steemit Thing

Look at this guy showing off his singing and guitar skills!!
Lovely song!

Isn't it absolutely lovely to get to know @meno A LOT better through him being featured on Humans of Steemit?
What a great dude!
And SO funny too.
Please hit that Follow button on his blog if you liked this!
Well that's the first entry for Humans Of Steemit and I seriously could not have wished for anyone better!
Thank you @meno for your participation, contribution to the Steemit familia and for being a really good egg!
Eres fenomenal amigo!

If you want to be featured on Humans of Steemit to combat the botty world online and to show your heart, get in touch with me!
@ashleykalila on steemit.chat and Discord.
Or send me an e-mail : [email protected]

If you want to support Humans of Steemit, please hit follow on my blog, upvote this post and if you really LOVE it, resteem it!
(But really only do that if you REALLY REALLY want to! I believe in a life where we only do what we want to do!)

Humans Of Steemit believes in You.
And so do I!

BIG love,


Made by the wonderful @stellabelle


:D keep on the consistency! I am looking forward for more interviews and couldn't agree more! meno is great personality !

Hello @ashleykalila

I am glad that you are going strong with the Humans Of Steemit.

There is no greater way to build community bond than through exchange of Strories and Interaction.

I am going to be nominating this for @zeartul Community Contest, I just hope it wins.



Thank you @ogochukwu
You don't want to be featured?? hehe
@zeartful would you like to participate? :)

@ashleykalila .Can we chat on Discord. You can send me a friend request ogochukwu#9478

Gotcha! Sent you a dm :)

a bunch of funny and interesting answers! congrats on the #humansofsteemit launch, let's get to the 100th issue soon! :D

So this means you want to be featured too right??
Get me to #100 sooner ;)

lol, maybe for the 99th or 100th edition :) keep it up @ashleykalila

How fun, I love this! Strong choice for your first #humansofsteemit. Yeah @meno is a Steemian full of great ideas. Specifically, I've noticed his participation in the #openmic, with the radical idea to launch a similar community challenge for singer-songwriters (as opposed to cover song singers).

He is GREAT!
Such a good choice as you said :)

Great post Ashley. Love what you are doing 🤗 keep up the good work.

The great and amazing @meno!!!! :) following you @ashleykalila :D

whoop whoop! :) does this mean you want to be featured too? ;)

Idk what I need to do ? :) lol

Send me a msg on steemit.chat or discord. Or send an email to [email protected] and I'll send you all the info 😊

Nice article! :-)

Very enjoyable and I have also Followed @meno! :-)

Upvoted of course!

And yes! I would like to be considered for one of your great "Humans of Steemit" articles!

I know you said contact on steemit.chat and Discord. Etc., but since I don't actually know how to do that... :-)

Thank you for your efforts! :-)

Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)



Send me an e-mail. [email protected]

You do have e-mail right? ;) joke

Thank you for reading.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for the support.


thank you!

message sent to email. :-)

I just didn't use that option at first cuz I haven't been checking my email much lately.

I will check it more now for a while. :-)

I am just a bot, but I have been programmed to like this idea. I suggest you interview @connecteconomy next.
One more thing: please use paragraphs and headers in bigger, bolder text.
It makes it easier to read.

Oh @umami, what a humanhearted bot you are!
Thank you for your feedback. I will do that for sure.
Connected with her already and she'll be featured asap! :)

I didn't think I'd enjoy reading this,at the least sorta like but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hehe good to know!
Wanna be featured? ;) hehe

Yeah, why not.

I have enjoyed getting to know you at PYPTs, @meno.
You picked an excellent human of steemit to start with, @ashleykalila! Looking forward to the next post, and to participating in the adventure!
x x

Whoop whoop! :)
Sent you a msg on Discord!

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