"Left Handed Bunny (Drawn with a Demo Pen at the Craft Store)" by Richard F. Yates

[Gel pen on paper---drawn with my left hand on a test paper while waiting in line at the craft store. Mariah (aka: "The Wife," for those just joining the program) took the photo because the line moved and I couldn't reach it---with digital embellishments and color. 2019.]

Today was an errands day, although I did have some game time early this morning, while Mariah and Elise (the younger daughter) went to the YMCA for a Zumba class! (I don't Zumba. As horrible as my body is, I'm lucky if I can mosey without throwing my back out!)

After-later, when they got home, Mariah and I took care of business! We stopped by my "W.O.R.K." to grab my check, went to the credit union and deposited that poor, minuscule, emaciated little thing, then took the automobile to have the oil changed...about six months PAST when we should have taken it in... Needed new wiper blades, too, which cost FIFTY BUCKS!!!!! (Is that insane??? Or, I'm just getting old, and haven't kept up with the current prices of junk???)

Next, we went to lunch... Mariah was good and had a grilled chicken salad. I was NOT good and had a burger...with bacon... I've been making an effort to not eat mammals anymore, but I fell hard today. (I don't feel too bad eating chicken---because we used to have chickens when I was a kid, and I know that they have no trouble killing EACH OTHER! And, yes, I've actually plucked feathers---myself, by hand, and it's gross---but I've done it...)

After THAT, we walked over to the craft store to look at the Halloween decorations. (We love Halloween.) We've been eyeing this one particular wooden sign that has an old school (like Fleischer Studios or Silly Symphonies looking) black cat painted on it, and today, it was 30 percent off---so we bought it! (We have BOXES AND BOXES of Halloween decorations in the garage, but there's a reason for that...)

I would love having Halloween up all year, but I suppose taking the stuff down and having to wait 9 or 10 months to put it back up again makes it seem more special... Right?)

Okay! Now, I'm off to go play more Minecraft! Hopefully, I'll have a new review ready for you folks to read by tomorrow! (But don't hold your breath. I might end up building all night!!!)


---Richard F. Yates

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