"Babysitting Day!" by Richard F. Yates

I'm old---older than the hanging hooded skeleton figure we have dangling over our front porch (see the picture I took of the specter for reference purposes.) However, TODAY, I got to spend time with the younger generation---my granddaughter, Felicity. (She's a little over four months old.)

Her mom, my older daughter, Frankie, started back to work today, and I volunteered to babysit... And my arms are pretty sore at this point. The baby can roll from side to side, at this point, but she can't crawl yet or even sit up on her own---so we did a LOT of holding, carrying, and moving around. (And singing and counting and reading books and trying to memorize the alphabet...but none of THAT stuff made my arms particularly tired.)

She's a funny kid, but she hasn't figured out how to communicate very effectively, yet, so her only means of making a request is crying. But that's not a very specific method of communicating. And my baby-mind-reading skills are pretty rusty...

Still, we both survived, and neither of us was so traumatized that we won't be able to do it again in a couple days. Unfortunately, though, spending nine hours with a baby didn't give me much time (or energy) to do anything particularly creative today. HOPEFULLY, (after we go look at some Native American art for my younger daughter's cultural day and before we start handing out Halloween candy), I'll get a chance to do SOMETHING tomorrow---a piece of crypto-art would be IDEAL...but we'll see... Wooo! Now, I'm going to bed!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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