"Baby Knockout!" by Richard F. Yates

in #humanizesteem5 years ago (edited)

[The image above is called "Tellin' Stories," and it represents the class of storytellers who are able to use fiction to tell great Truths---as opposed to the current crop of contemptable crooks who use words to muddy, confuse, and corrupt the truth... LUCKILY, there are folks---historians, researchers, archivists, librarians, and HONEST INDIVIDUALS---who will dig at every claim, seek out physical evidence, and evetually record who was fabricating and who was sincere. This will undoubtedly be considered a dark chapter in civilization's history (the 2nd Dark Age)... (Wow. That got away from me real quick!) Soooo...the drawing is an all digital creation, and it was made entirely with my phone! 2019!!!]

Knocked the baby out with a triple whammy of hardcore tunage! Thompson Twins "Hold Me Now" into Men Without Hats "Safety Dance," then---the coup de grace---"Rock Lobster" by The B-52's! Bam! She's down for the count! We'll have to see how long she sleeps this time. (LAST time, just as she was going down for a nap, the lawn guys showed up with their stupid leaf blowers blasting right outside the window next to the play-pen. She did NOT fall asleep at that point. AND the dang lawn guys didn't even mow or edge or anything---just blew the leaves around and then left... We need to hire the OLD service back. They were WAY better...)

Closing again tonight, after being up since 5:30 this morning and babysitting all day. I'll probably get off around 1:00 A.M. tonight, then come home and shower before bed. At least I don't have to get up early tomorrow...

Okay. That's probably all I've got time for today! Hopefully, I'll get some more GOOD stuff finished to post for you folks in the next day or two! Here's hoping!!!!


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Posted using Partiko Android

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