Monday Morning Musings: Casting About for Inspiration and Meaning

in #humanizesteem5 years ago

Another Monday morning; a fresh week lies ahead...

As I look out what what looks like it might be a sunny summer day (after a week of gray, rain and drizzle) I find that I just have "nothing left in the tank" to worry about the daily price of Bitcoin; nothing to give to wondering about whether Steem is going to the Moon; nothing left to "care" whether or not this post — the the ensuing ones — will be "popular" enough to earn a few dollars.

Where is your heart? (sea glass heart I found some years ago...)

Instead, I look out at a rather shaggy lawn, trees that need pruning, out walls that could use a good wash and a fresh coat of paint... and I ponder how we set our priorities and how easy it can be to slide into habits that don't really help our own personal greater good.

This morning, I noticed a comment on my post from last night, left by @dkkarolien, and I did the usual backtracking I do when someone leaves an authentic and meaningful comment.

Which led me to notice the tag #humanizesteem, which I hadn't come across, before.

I contemplated that, for a moment... and realized that it gave me the same "positive vibe" I felt the first time I came across @surpassinggoogle's idea of #ulogs as a pathway towards having more of an "Internet of PEOPLE," rather than an Internet of just "things" and "information" and "commerce.'

Leaves in silhouette against the setting sun

As I sat with that for a few moments, I also recalled one of my favorite bumper stickers:

"The Best Things in Life Are not THINGS"

Perhaps that is where we "lose our way" sometimes, in this precious life. We get so wrapped up in dealing with the overwhelming volume of things and information we have to parse constantly that we lose sight of what matters most:


In consulting with a friend yesterday — who is also a 35-year professional clinical psychotherapist — we went through an interesting exercise of remembering and categorizing what, for that moment, were my ten strongest positive memories.

What they actually were isn't as important as the fact that NONE OF THEM were about things or ideas; they were ALL moments shared with people, with powerful feelings attached.

So I invite you to consider humanizing yourself more, as you wander through this new week!

Thanks for reading!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 190708 09:31 PST



Hi there. I'm so happy that you found that tag on my post. However I cannot take the credit for coining the #humanizesteem tag. That honor goes to @jeanlucsr

I saw it one day and really loved it. I'm on many social media platforms but none offers the real interaction I find here.

I've made so many new connections in such a short time and I find that if I reach out they reciprocate by reaching back.

I enjoy your posts as I love pondering about life too. Thank you for tagging me in this post and yes..the best thing in life are not things but people, animal life, our weird and wonderful nature with all living and breathing things in it.

Have a beautiful day!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi there. I'm so happy that you found that tag on my post. However I cannot take the credit for coining the #humanizesteem tag. That honor goes to @jeanlucsr

I saw it one day and really loved it. I'm on many social media platforms but none offers the real interaction I find here.

I've made so many new connections in such a short time and I find that if I reach out they reciprocate by reaching back.

I enjoy your posts as I love pondering about life too. Thank you for tagging me in this post and yes..the best thing in life are not things but people, animal life, our weird and wonderful nature with all living and breathing things in it.

Have a beautiful day! I apologize for not being able to upvote.... Due to unforseen circumstances and some recently reckless upvoting of fellow Steemians my voting power is at the beach recharging it's batteries. 😳 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I also like the idea of #catifysteem.

I use #catsofsteemit #catsnaps and #caturday on every posting. Even if it is Tuesday.... Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Feels like this week so far has gone by quite quickly. Could swore it was just Monday now it’s Thursday!

Sometimes you just need a short break from things to hit that reset button. Have a great week of having more in personal communication with people making it more human.

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