Episode 883

Full Metal Ox Day 818
Renaissance Year Episode 883

Critical Mass Withdrawal

So now I'm imagining how the US Supreme Court will weasel its way out of ruling on the alleged 2022 election fraud in Arizona. So far several judges have somehow ignored the evidence presented, which I haven't seen, but seems very solid. Next, what will the population do about it?
The fighting isn't the proper response. Non participation seems to be the best strategy. However withdrawing from the system will get THEIR attention, but it requires more sacrifice than most Americans are willing to make.
Oh yeah, there's a brief recap of the train ride up the east coast. And then there's a flashback segment.
We're still on the road so no exotic Saturday leg-bomb workout.


Free Audiobook link in these notes. Enjoy. Subscribe. Share. Like. Don't freak out!

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Audiobook of the Month Club:
March book: Psycho-Cybernetics
This is probably one of the oldest self help books. Originally published in 1960 and updated & expanded for modern times. If you've ever read a self help book you may recognize some of what's included in this book. Very worthy for our chaotic era.

YouTube: The Fitness Journey- we're keeping the 12 latest workout sessions linked for You!

Episode 82: Leg-bomb Jamm

Monkey Bars Session 17

Episode 81: Deadlifts game

Episode 80: Back Attack

Episode 79: Mind over Matter

Episode 78: Leg-bomb Saturday

Monkey Bars Business Session 16

Episode 77: Disappointing deadlifts

Episode 76:

Episode 75:

Episode 74

Monkey Bars Business Session 15

Episode 73: The deadlifts game

Be inspired. Share this episode with seven friends. Seven is a sacred number..

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Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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