The Human Race is a Galactic Embarrassment [Op-Ed]

in #humanity3 years ago

Yeah I said it, we suck.....there simply is no better/nicer way to put it than bluntly! The Human Race is an embarrassment to itself and every other sentient race in our Galaxy. The simple truth is we should have never made it to space, hell we probably shouldn't have even survived to the point we are at now. We are, for the most part, a self-centered, hot-headed, delusional race of barely intelligent beings.

Modern day human beings started our current "Technological Age" over 200 years ago. During that time there have been over 300 Armed Conflicts (Wars) fought on Earth. There have been in excess of 5 billion people die, senselessly, in the name of religion, due to extreme poverty, due to extreme hunger or due to easily treatable/preventable diseases and illness'. We have poisoned virtually every centimeter of our planets Air, Land or Water.

The scary part of this is that if we had United as One Race (Human Beings) 200 years ago the following would/could have happened by now:

  • We would have cured all disease and illness 100 years or so ago
  • We would have put a colony on Earth's Moon 100 years or so ago
  • We would have put a colony on Mar's 75 years or so ago
  • Mars would be terraformed and Earth-Like by now
  • There would be at least 15 billion human beings alive today with nearly half them living on the Moon, Mars, Space Stations, Titan or other places in our galaxy
  • We would have solved FTL travel 100 years or so ago
  • We would have colonies on a dozen other planets outside our solar system by now
  • Money would have been abolished over 100 years ago
  • There would have been no poverty or homelessness for 150 years or so
  • There wouldn't have been any wars fought in 200 years
  • Renewable Clean Energy would be the only form of energy on/in any of humanities populated areas
  • We would be nearing completion of a Dyson Sphere around Earth's sun to harness electricity and beam it anywhere in the solar system it is needed - would also protect against solar flares
  • We would have developed technologies so far beyond our current imaginations that the average human lifespan would be 500+ years, no one ever worries about food, clean water, safety, health, employment, housing, etc.....ever!

But that ain't is possible and easily doable. Here is how:

Without any wars being fought the countries of the Earth's military/defense budgets could be funneled into scientific and humanitarian projects. This would increase the annual research into such projects by $2-3 Trillion USD a year. If you factor in the global budgets for space agencies (Like NASA, ESA, etc.) the funding for scientific and humanitarian projects climbs to nearly $4 Trillion USD a year. Plus considering the fact that there would be no more need for secrets so every team on Earth doing similar projects could/would work together; thereby significantly reducing the time/cost to research, develop, prove and implement those projects.

  • Within 5 years of Earth Uniting there would be no more famine, hunger, poverty, homelessness, contaminated water/sewage - or lack thereof! Which would lead to the downfall of currency/pay within another 5 years.
  • Within 10 years of Earth Uniting there would be a global cooperation on anything and everything. No one would ever "HAVE TO" work but instead would "CHOOSE TO" learn and work in an area that "makes them happy". Transportation systems would have been drastically improved and it would be entirely possible to get from any point on Earth to any other point on Earth in a matter of minutes.....imagine living in Colorado, USA and going to work in Paris, France....having dinner with the family in Istanbul, Turkey and then being home in Colorado, USA for the sunset over the Rocky Mountains.....with your total transportation time for the day being under 1 hour.
  • Within 20 years of Earth Uniting there would be no more cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, meningitis, HIV, Covid, Flu, etc. and the average human lifespan would have jumped from 78 years to over 200 years - in the span of only 20 years.
  • Within 50 years of Earth Uniting we would have developed Nano-Medicines, Nano-Machines (Nanites) to end all illness and disease on Earth and instantly repair any damage our bodies might incur. The human lifespan now exceeds 500 years, average! We would have also developed Interstellar Space Travel by now and would be actively seeking out and colonizing other worlds in our Galaxy.
  • Within 100 years of Earth Uniting we would have formed a Federation of Planets comprised of Humanity and 13 Extra-terrestrial races inhabiting near by solar systems to our own. This cooperation further accelerates Humanities Technological Advancement.

We, as a species, must Unite or face our own demise!

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