Who says humanity has bought humanity, why humanity will do these?

in #humanity3 years ago

Hello friends how are you all i hope everyone is fine i am fine too Let's start with some talk of humanity.

Who says humanity has bought humanity, why humanity will do these? There are many kinds of questions in everyone's mind.

It is not humanity to hurt the Hindi people.

Humanity seems to benefit people. There is really no price for love in the work of humanity.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the idea of ​​screaming counts shouldn't be an extreme insult. No, they will not come forward till then.

You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You will never leave me.

Yellow that I will never go without you. Some development is going on in Tuhin.

Dad, all the crazy games in your court have been matched with all kinds of crazy games. Dad, all the crazy games in your court.

There is nothing in the world but you.

Tell me how you feel without reward, you will be defeated there. Have you ever seen me go on condemning the defeat of life?

Nasuda learns that love can be forgotten in this way. The three madmen came to the fair river and some of them went to the madman.

I will go with the madman, I will be mad. Crazy I'm crazy You're crazy from time to time.

You don't have to know you don't have comparisons so you don't know everything. Something about you, something that I don't have, because you don't have what I saw.

You don't know, you don't understand, you don't know, dear, you are the pursuit of my life. The first time I saw you, I thought to myself. After your value.

Geel dat ek nooit sonder jou sal gaan nie. Daar is 'n mate van ontwikkeling in Tuhin aan die gang.

Pa, al die mal speletjies in jou baan is gepas met allerhande mal speletjies. Pa, al die mal speletjies in jou hof.

Daar is niks in die wêreld behalwe jy nie.

Sê vir my hoe jy voel sonder beloning, jy sal daar verslaan word. Het jy al ooit gesien hoe ek voortgaan om die nederlaag van die lewe te veroordeel?

Nasuda leer dat liefde op hierdie manier vergeet kan word. Die drie gekke het na die mooi rivier gekom en van hulle het na die mal man gegaan.

Ek sal saam met die mal man gaan, ek sal mal wees. Mal Ek is mal Jy is mal van tyd tot tyd.

Fakinni doesn't know what the pain is, no one knows, now I'm thinking. Now I don't know that every day no one will know.

Thanks everyone.

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