# Any state of the world is a single religion - single nationalism - single caste - based on single doctrine - to be single factionist against the teachings of religion and the right to freedom - freedom - crimes against humanity

in #humanity7 years ago

The world is a single religion - single nationalism - single caste - based on single doctrine - to be a single clan, opposed to religion's education, and true-rights-freedom - crimes against humanity. Religious values, based on religious values, the state of the world and the world system, the real religion, the real religion, the right-to-the-knowledge-right-life-humanity, by overthrowing the real education of religion, the realization of life and the re-life of human beings, any name based groupist politics-political party-state-building.

Protecting, and single grouping politics and political parties and state agencies War against genuine religion and humanity. If declared as religion or state religion, the impostor of extremist religion, the extremist terrorist, the barbarous tyrannically, gets power, gets legitimacy, and gets the foundation, so that the violent power goes on, which results in the development of life and religion - the development of life and the destruction of humanity. In the same way, the declaration of individual caste-based caste-based caste-based groups is true, but the true flow of right-life-independence is obstructed and overthrown.

Those who are overwhelmed by clan forms, who lose their power to realize the difference and independence of individual and society, and who deny the lives of others, want to impose their own doctrines based on their own doctrines and their own interests, and never have the name of religion ever been nationalism. Never misuses the state --------------------------------- "Imam Hayat"
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