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RE: Reintroducing the Human Body

in #humanity6 years ago

wow I'm surprised to no comments on this. I totally agree - turning the body into something shameful was a well played trick on us all.. no we are all confused and conflicted. I think a total rewrite needs to be done with the body and sexuality .. society no matter which - is super polarized and the beliefs are extreme on all sides. It's time to bring every one in a little closer and find the truth of the matter, bring back the sacredness that sex was supposed to symbolize and start respecting ourselves again.
But that's just my opinion - I was glad to see another voicing theirs!


Greetings @amariespeaks. Spotted you here. Had to say "hi". Love what the @steemitzombies are doing. Let me know if I can help. Making my way over to the discord channel. Blessings.

awesome @mistermercury ! so glad to see you pop in again! :-D #steemitzombies is gonna be big! definitely come check out what's happening over there

This is the first time that I am hearing of this initiative and I do feel that it sounds very promising at first blush. ^_^ Time to do some reading up!

Back then I was surprised also. Today not so much (the surprise being that it got any response at all :cP).

You are quite right and I share the same feelings. The humans who make up Society have been infected with an inferior perspective of self. As we see ourselves as being so flawed by design as to feel the need to hide ourselves away, so too are our lives stinted - we sacrifice a degree of our very humanity for very little (if any) benefit.

I am also heartened that you go that one step further in moving from the human body to sex and sexuality - as this too is one of the most natural highlights in simply being human.

Your opinion is noted and valued and I am grateful that you have had opportunity to listen to mine. ^_^

thank you @pathforger :) I look forward to reading more of your posts!

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