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RE: Negative/possitive influence.

in #humanangles6 years ago (edited)

Amen to you. Besides it is not the leader who is in charge anyways. The leader is just someone with an idea, looking for a follower. It is the second follower who has the power. The second follower actually has the most momentum. So you decide if you want to cut your own clear path or be that second follower, or his followers on the slow road of negativity. If you really look at life and people closely, you will notice those that have an axe to grind constantly over and over and over about absolutely everything, they are nothing but arbitrarily in their own way. It is relatively easy to push their buttons. If you disagree with them you quickly realize it's not about you anyways and in the end it is never about you. They are still working on being five years old. Stepping into line with negativity and becoming a part of it is actually easy. Turning your back and walking away from negativity takes a huge leap of faith and a bushel full of courage.


I think ur comment is np better and more detailed than my post.

what does np better mean Tony?

did I not agree?

A typo not meant to be there. Please disregard the confusion of np. It has been yet again added by the one and only mischievous auto assume and missed by me cos I just type all the letters and often forget to check what it has done to my words. Mostly this is cos I don't like wearring glasses when im writing. I struggled to put it in there in this comment. Don't know how it got there but it's meant to be. Much better and more detailed. I like the depth of your mind on this.

oh I got lot's more, listen to us would think we know stuff. lol it is about time you hit this trail again Mister

I'm Here now. Not anywhere else for the time being. Going to give this place a fair go see what it's all about.

Well it's not all good. Depends on where you look and what you want to involve yourself in. Each to his own on here. I am still learning and understanding, not convinced about it all. Time will tell. Super happy you are here.

It's why I've been watching for quite some time. Not sold on it myself, for now anyway. Don't seem to matter if u want to be involved or not. There are wolves here. Money is never the answer it only creates greed, corrupts or falls into the hands of the power driven already corrupt. Fuck all them types so if I can't be here and do my own thing. Probably not a place for me. Cos I'll publicise the shit out of how wrong it is absolutely everywhere. I will always speak my truth. This site is not as important as it thinks it is. I'm sure it is to some who have a lot of money here but that don't mean shit to me if everyon doesn't have the same opertunities based on their own merits. That is what freedom is about. That is why I came here. They can silence me here only. In my circle truth spreads faster than lies. Exposing bullshit for what it is.
I look at things very deeply without being emotionally involved and take my time to see. I came here to give this place a fair go and I will continue to do so. Till I find this place truely does't give people a fair go. I will just do my own thing mind my own business as always. I will not be oppressed bullied by anyone. That's a promise. Can't take anything from a man that wants nothing , who's only need is for freedom and to live in the truth. It's that simple. I can't promote something that's wrong and nor can I be quiet about what I see. Im a writer that's what I do

I agree with you on so many levels. Some people think this is the be all end all. Forwhatever reason. Yes Fuck those who are in this for the greed. Here is our difference. I look at things very deeply with a fine toothed comb. The difference it affects me on so many levels. I do not become emotionally involved but i FEEL the cynical pathetic nature of some. I am trying to give this a fair go, but struggling with it. No matter what I post I have some one who turns it around to mean black when I say white. Its freedom of speech they say. I just call them antagonists.... Sadly this site thinks it is better and bigger than the Universerse. Way too many egos in the way, not to mention the sick minds which get to right their balarney on here. ah. listen to us. xx

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