in #human2 years ago (edited)

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I am that I am, light, is what they try to unite as, the fallen light at that, yet, Saturn is god of separation and boundaries, hierarchy and obedience, sex and violence, survival and procreation, pain and pleasure, bones and nerves, ruler of the first root chakra at the summit of our legs.

The penis is its nose, the balls are the eyeballs, the stomach is its brain, aka god of the Underworld Hades imprisoned in Tartarus darkness, the bellybutton is its third eye. In waters and darkness its origins, thus in pants it is kept concealed from the light.

All invertebrates evolve from ass to mouth first. The vertebrae the other way around. Thus all humans are assholes first, then the upper body comes in later, for some never.

This is the war of titans as it happens. Zeus, god of air and lungs consequently, as well liver and upper brain, throat and voice, ears and nose, thunder and lightning, king of the gods, Mars and Venus as arms and muscles, heart and blood, glands and nodes, Sun and Moon as eyes and touch, awareness and dreams, Poseidon as Subconscious waters of the body storing memories and energy, the kidneys, and mouth connected to the ass via intestines and stomach, Mercury as intelligence and sensory awareness, thoughts and wisdom.

Together the children of Saturn overcome their father and build the upper body upon the lower part bringing it together and to light. The nose can breathe now air, while penis is peeing liquid out, the eyes can see now light while balls are in the darkness, the third eye can be opened, interpreting the electromagnetic waves into neuro electric signals, enabling higher sensory perception, while the belly button stays closed, the brain can think other stuff than what stomach is busy thinking related to survival.

The Crown aka Christ Consciousness can be attained with this Jacob's ladder complicated and enlightened.

This is the story of our Genesis and the hue of human ascension from Chaos to Heavens, where our decision making souls can finally rest in peace, forever and ever, Amen. ♡

P.S. The planetary anology to the body parts are for symbolic purposes and are not necessarily according to any particular school of thought.

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