I'll Trust The Gov't When They Explain This Sh*t!

in #human7 years ago

Congressmen Exposing Secret Army Program of Spraying Radioactive Chemicals Over US Cities

The idea that the United States government purposefully sprayed, injected and fed hazardous chemicals to countless Americans during the Cold War is one “crazy conspiracy theory” that has significant evidence behind it, and three members of Congress are finally demanding answers.

Democratic Congressmen William Lacy Clay of Missouri, Brad Sherman of California and Jim Cooper of Tennessee all represent areas where Army records reveal that the U.S. government conducted secret testing of zinc cadmium sulfide that included radioactive materials on vulnerable and poor populations.

Read More: http://bit.ly/2xzWAIZ
Video Covered By: The Free Thought Project

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yep, they used to drive through and spray this shit in the government housing districts on minority comunities. I don't trust the government as far as i can spit.

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