Human Tendencies

in #human6 years ago (edited)
  1. Take decision based on true or false. Show negligence about partial truth or false.

  2. Become satisfied with one logical reason of an incident (an incident might have many logical reason even those might be contradictory) or one kind of incident.

  3. Want to be important.

  4. Want to be powerful.

  5. Think themselves intelligent.

  6. Want to listen praise from others

  7. Want to be secured

  8. Want to survive. If finds no other way then doing illegal things for survival consider as right.

  9. Want to be happy. So want to take decision (or consider truth) in favor of the things that are related to happiness and security.

  10. Want to solve an issue at their known way first.

  11. Want to stay in a group. Want to stay with (speak or work in favor of) majority.

  12. The place or person that was safe and secure till last time visited or met is considered secure (if nothing dangerous matter known to be added in the mean time)

  13. This is more important that I don’t have, this is less important that I have.

  14. Considers a person like his father, mother, sister, brother, wife, husband, lover etc without considering his/her mental structure( ability or interest to be considered the same)

  15. Expects that another person who has different opinions, at the long last that person will accept and hold his opinions.

  16. When think a person as a guilty based on a matter then so decide that, that person may not be interested to discuss about the matter.

  17. If loves a nice and attractive thing then feel responsibility to keep it same.

  18. The thing they want to give voluntarily, dislike to give it when used force.

  19. If one gets more love, respect, work or any object in exchange of something then he might think himself fool or deprived and later he might want to give less or demand more then earlier.

  20. Considers those persons safe who are considered by one of his safe person as safe.

  21. When think a person fearful all his powerful relatives might be considered fearful.

  22. Thinks a person intelligent who can understand him, who cannot, he is considered fool.

  23. By being deceived, suffered or loser by one person and finding no ability to defeat him or take revenge on him takes another person of some similarity (or less powerful than him) with him as opponent and tries to hurt him. If battle field is unavailable intentionally makes one by doing torture on him.

  24. If do any crime, fault or become loser collectively when separated blame each other, though separately nobody would do this thing.

  25. After telling a person something the reaction finds from him think this reaction as result of that speaking. Forgets to think that this reaction might be acting or this speech might have more meaning and result is found for unknown meaning.

  26. When stays in a group, one may think that he has achieved a target whereas actually another member of this group achieved this.

  27. Purpose of education should be what they know, practice and belief to strengthen them not to go against them.

  28. In exchange of giving love, respect, time or for making speech, doing action etc, people may demand according to their desire where demands might vary far differently one with another.

  29. If never watch beginning or end of a voluntary service or if not other wisely explained might consider it (voluntary service) as duty.

  30. When secretly do an offense against a person then any harm done by his negligence consider as punishment.

  31. When a person becomes more benefited for not doing a work thinks that he did not intentionally do the work.

  32. Can set a result at the middle of a course of actions. (For example why the child is beaten? Ans.: to stop his crying, why he was crying? Ans.: he was beaten)

  33. People remain unconscious that they achieve or lose power when they change their physical position or staying place.

  34. The thing spread as rumor considers some truth is laying there.

  35. When loves a person anything beneficial done/supplied by him, considers outcome of love.

  36. A notion achieved about a person in a place or situation imposes it on different place or situation.

  37. The person who does not want any monetary, physical or material something he is selfless.

  38. When I have no doubt about a person’s selflessness his words or advices are sincere and true. He will not say anything harmful for me.

  39. If a person has any want or desire that can be fulfilled by me then he might ask me to fulfill the matter anytime or he might staying beside/working for me to fulfill that matter.

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