Redefining the Human Potential
1. Intro
Advances in media, telecommunications and global transportation have allowed humanity new options relative to experiencing the world. We can now quickly learn about things happening in faraway places. We can even experience them first hand - should we decide to travel.
A video or an article which goes viral on the Internet can immediately raise awareness in millions of people regarding someone who might be doing something extraordinary. One can find hundreds of cases of people who are doing something that is not supposed to happen – yet they do it nonetheless.
In previous centuries it would be easier to dismiss such cases as false or hearsay, since few had seen weird demonstrations and even fewer could formulate a plausible explanation of how certain things were possible, aside from "God", "the Devil" and "charlatanism".
Today, the existence of the Internet helps to spread awareness of weird phenomena far and wide although we're still at a point where many of these are shown for infotainment instead of triggering serious analysis.
My focus is more about analyzing and understanding what goes on. I believe that it's only a matter of time before a larger number of people start asking serious questions, but it will be even more interesting when people insist on finding the answers: "How can that be done? I need to know."
2. Questions
The story of a man in India who hasn’t taken food or water for around 70 years made the world news in 2010. For most it was good "infotainment". But shouldn't this be THE news? If even one man can seemingly violate physical laws then doesn't it follow that we can discover this mechanism and apply it? Doesn’t it also follow that our understanding of science is broken?
A few years ago there was a documentary-like TV series (2010-2014) about "Superhumans", which was examining people from all over the world - people who were doing something extraordinary and which science would predict as impossible to happen (except some cases of genetic anomalies).
Yet thousands of people all over the world defy this prediction and exhibit various "weird" characteristics. Some self-heal, some produce new body members, some are pyrokinetic, others are telekinetic, some are showing extreme strength, intelligence, endurance to life-threatening factors etc etc. In other cases people eat all kind of "stuff", from knives, glasses and cutlery to even airplanes (yes there is a man who ate an entire plane, piece by piece, including all the metal, plastic, glass, rubber, mineral oil etc) - things that humans aren't supposed to do.
Then there are the Shaolin monks who perform seemingly extraordinary feats, after being trained to do them, like breaking steel bars onto their heads or drilling their body without injury.
In the case of Buddhists monks, there was on particular incident where a self-immolated monk (in protest of the Vietnam situation) retained an intact heart from the fire that burned his body. The heart remained intact even after his re-cremation – thus violating the known laws of materiality.
Another class of "anomalous" people are those with multiple personality disorder. Apparently, depending on what personality they are "wearing" in a given time period, their biological characteristics are shifting. One personality may be blind, the other may have diabetes, the other some type of allergy, and yet another personality may be fine.
Last but not least, we have "ordinary" people whose biology is shifted depending on their psychological condition. For example, it has been observed that people who are expected to have increased eyesight, do - when placed in a certain situation that demands it. The biology is obviously the same.
The same happens (better vision) when someone has increased interest in something, while one's vision worsens when they are doing a boring or uninteresting task – for example, a focused student versus a bored student. Yet, doctors will consider eyesight as something "fixed" and tell us that myopia is "cured" by cutting the eye with a LASER or circumvented through lens and glasses. Huh?
So... What do all these things mean, aside from being spectacular and "anomalous"? How can the "anomalous" be so frequent, so diverse or even "teachable" - like in the case of the monks? Also, if some people are considered "freaks" because they can eat various "dangerous" materials, how can a hypnotist make an ordinary man eat the glass of a broken light bulb with no side effects? Isn't glass-eating considered dangerous? How can this be nullified with "suggestion"?
Additionally, how can hypnotists use the bodies of, say, tall lightweight girls as a rigid horizontal platform that sustains over 80+ kilograms of the hypnotist weight (the hypnotist walks on them), without the body bending? Or how can hypnotic suggestions of extroversion improve myopia? How can suggestion lead one to easily endure life-threatening cold?
How can all these happen to "ordinary" people?
At some point, questions like these will be asked more frequently and people will want real answers about the "mechanics" behind all these. They'll want answers regarding the human potential. The notion that some people are just born to be weird won't "cut it" when people start to connect the dots – or even see other people emulating "weird" feats through training, suggestion or self-reprogramming.
3. Hints
When an anomalous phenomenon is proven as real (and not a hoax / trick), whether it is by someone who breaks steel on their skull or someone who self-heals, scientists immediately understand the consequences: The currently available scientific model is "busted" since it does not predict the anomaly as possible, yet, the anomaly is here staring us in the face and "threatening" our scientific understanding.
When scientific models are unable to predict what will happen, then they are either wrong or incomplete. Science seems to willingly ignore all the anomalies and continues with a mindset of "business as usual". How is it that science takes so little effort to research all the anomalies and provide people with more substantial knowledge? Is it such a minor issue that our "solid" scientific models are proven to be wrong by so many "anomalies"?
The reasons for this lack of research are probably more than one: For example, the limited human potential paradigm is more profitable, for some, than the expanded human potential paradigm. You can't sell drugs to someone who does not need them, so, understandably, there is no real motive to research things that might make one less dependent on them. Research is primarily funded by corporations that require the generation of revenue and profits through the products they sell.
Additionally, humans are better controlled by being limited and needy (=believing in their being limited and requiring things) so cultivating further beliefs of their limitations seems like the proper course of action for the establishment.
As for the sincere and independent researchers, they will probably lack the funding to perform this research or they will hesitate to do it due to the risk of ridicule associated with less "orthodox" research.
As a further obstacle there’s also the issue of the scientific journals where information is subtly aligned to a certain more mainstream views. But now, through the Internet (Steemit could play a role perhaps in the future), researchers have a great platform for releasing their findings, papers, lectures or presentations – with people accessing this knowledge directly and acknowledging the researchers' contribution.
The Internet is also a platform for the display of applied science on a global scale, even if this science is less mainstream. Mentalism, in some of its forms, is an example of more practical psychology that is not taught in universities.
You can have a mentalist doing various things that are obviously scientific in principle: There is a theory behind how it works, which, when applied properly, produces the expected results. Yet psychologists can’t emulate these results because this knowledge is somehow absent from academic textbooks. Sometimes it is present but in a non-practical form, or fragmented so that a functional whole cannot be formed.
Take for example the psychological "exploits" that affect the typical human mind operating in the early 21st century. For example, we know that humans will tend to do the wrong thing when they first see that most people are doing it. So all one has to do is to show others that everyone is doing the wrong thing and make it "normal". Gradually, most of the people will align. Another trick is to introduce negative change in chunks. An outcome that we would normally oppose is not really opposed when it is brought to us gradually.
There are hundreds of such "exploits" that we are mostly unaware of. So where is the ultimate manipulation handbook which would be the practical application of this research? Equally, where is the anti-manipulation handbook so that every human could prepare themselves against every manipulative tactic? Shouldn't these be taught at schools and making democracies better with less manipulated citizens? This lack of practical knowledge, despite the existence of theoretical knowledge, is quite suspicious.
There are also a few cases where academics are even ignorant or in denial of certain theoretical possibilities that can be practically demonstrated. In the UK there is a TV mentalist (Derren Brown) who tried a very interesting experiment: An individual would be turned into a hypnotized assassin who would make an assassination attempt without even remembering it. Scientists interviewed before the experiment said this wasn't possible. According to them a person under hypnosis would not ordinarily do something that he would disagree with. Apparently this limitation was "circumvented" and the experiment was a success.
In this way the mentalist proved that such methods might have actually been implemented by governments in assassination attempts (even 30 or 40 years ago) where the assassins could not even remember what happened.
Brown has also demonstrated various scenarios of psychological manipulation against crowds or individuals as well as the reprogramming individuals in positive ways (increasing intellectual capacities like memory and intelligence, eliminating fear, eliminating pain, etc) Most of these "feats" were practical knowledge for him (there is a theory and a method to apply that theory which he practices), yet, the same "feats" cannot be replicated by academics who should theoretically know how to replicate them.
This gap between applied science and theoretical science could very well imply that the Elite are actively withholding significant knowledge relative to the human potential. At the same time, their information advantage could be used in order to manipulate the masses of humanity towards their own goals.
4. Bio-programming
In the last 40 years or so, it has been possible to use the science of computer programming as an appropriate conceptual basis that will allow us to better understand how the mind works.
Computer programs (a.k.a software) direct machines and electronic equipment (a.k.a hardware) to perform certain tasks. A similar analogy would be how belief systems (=human programming) direct what our hardware (=human body) can, or cannot do. The goal of the process, relative to the programming of our biology, would be to program ourselves with upgraded capability "programs" (=beliefs), rather than limiting capability programs.
Mainstream sources of information are heavily promoting software of limitation – things like like "don’t eat this, don’t sit like this, don’t do that, don’t, don’t, don’t" - because all these "are bad or cause X negative consequences". This is negative/limiting programming due to the cultivation of limiting beliefs.
Negative programming can also be used in the form of positive wording like "vitamin X helps fight Z disease" or "doing the Y activity is good for the body". This is achieved by subtly implying / subtly programming us that not taking X or not doing Y is bad.
The doctors of today are not very different than the ancient tribal doctors. An ancient tribal doctor would probably do a symbolic ritual to cast out the "evil" of someone who was afflicted, and perhaps by doing so, coupled with the person’s belief in it, the sick could be healed through the suggestion - expectation that he has been cured. Usually the "expertise" of the tribal doctor was about the invisible fields, rather than the visible. The visible (=the ritual) was more about reinforcing the impressions / suggestions to the mind of the afflicted. It is a presupposition aiming directly at one's subconscious: "If the ritual was useless to heal me, why would it be performed? Therefore something good has to happen".
On the other hand, modern doctors work is primarily focused on the material/visible level (as the "source" of the problem) and then aided by the psychological process of implied suggestion. They use the body as a mechanical complex where by altering some components in a certain way they can effect change. Their "rituals" of tampering the human body are now performed through surgery or chemical interventions.
This has the added bonus of patients believing in the process and reinforcing their belief of getting cured due to seeing tangible proof of intervention. Surgery or painful treatments will usually cause the patient to rationalize that this ordeal is necessary for them to get better and this rationalization equals to a subtle self-programming of getting healed – otherwise the mind would say "why do all this?".
But just like the ancient tribal doctor did not really help with the real cause of the patient’s problem, so it is with the modern doctor. And I’m not referring to environmental causes like "you’re sitting in a desk for too many hours...take a break for a walk so that your blood circulation is better" type of "causes". I mean causes that have to do with our bio-programming that allow for our body to be "vulnerable" to health problems.
For example a yogi could be sitting still for a week at the same spot with slower, yet non-problematic blood circulation. Why? Is he an alien with a different type of heart or circulatory system?
Given that humans live in varying degrees of limitation, there are two types of programs that one can adopt in their mind and consequently "run" on their hardware.
- Relatively expansive mental programs / beliefs which allow the mind to utilize more human potential.
- Relatively limiting mental programs / beliefs which prescribe a life with more limitation than before.
By installing the proper "drivers" / "software" for our "hardware" we are able to bypass the more limiting programming and do things that are currently beyond the specification of our current "software". We need to tap our unused potential instead of being immersed deeper into ever increasing limitation – a trend that, for most humans, increases with age.
I expect that in the next decades human potential will probably be among the most sought- fter areas of unofficial research and application. The rise of the Internet as a factor in our lives, will allow us to "sample" new, relatively expansive programs that will be "on display".
5. Analysis of various cases
In the second section, I briefly mentioned some anomalous cases which hint at something more. I will now try to analyze (briefly again) some of these cases from the perspective of biological programming:
- The man who ate nothing: He believes a deity feeds him. Therefore, I conclude, that his belief is a new more expansive belief program that transcends ordinary human programming.
- Men who eat all kind of stuff without stomach or intestinal damage: They believe their acts won't harm them, and they emerge OK after their feats.
- Shaolin monks who get trained to sustain large hits: By observing their training, one can see that they escalate hitting on various body parts until these body parts can endure extreme abuse. They argue that this training process strengthens the body parts. However, even if this was so with the skull for example (which it can't be trained versus the steel bar – yet the steel bar breaks), it is physically impossible when they put a spear against their throats skin membrane. If you ask that, they will say "it’s the Chi". But if it was "chi" that protected the body, then why train the body to become more enduring of abuse? By the mere act of focusing on the body they negate the "chi" argument. Thus the whole process leads me to conclude that Shaolins are engaged in a process of belief creation. They gradually make the "impossible" possible, by building their belief. If someone took an ordinary person (= with no "upgraded mind software") and told him to push a sharp metal spear to his throat’s skin with a 30-50-100kg force, then he would probably die because he would believe this to be a fatal technique. Yet a Shaolin will do it because he has been trained to gradually accept this reality and the body is now able to do what was seemingly impossible.
- Ordinary people who, under hypnosis, can be used as straight horizontal platforms where others can walk on them: This type of rigidness would be impossible if the person operating as a platform was not programmed to perform like that – thus transcending their prior limits of what they thought their body could do. And indeed, hypnotists give suggestions of the subjects feeling stiff and rigid. Hypnosis and suggestion are generally very interesting regarding their implications of bio-programming on normal everyday people – and this is important because it disassociates "anomalies" and expanded potential with "a few weird cases". In a sense almost everybody can get expanded capacities by bypassing their conscious limitations. And this does not only concern body functions but also mental functions like accessing the flow of time in the past or future, enhanced memory and perception etc. Of course the real issue is to alter the conscious programming and not only have expanded results due to a suspension of limited programming at the conscious level.
- People with multiple personalities: It is very obvious that the hardware (body) shifts characteristics when another software (personality with it’s own beliefs and attitudes) assumes the running of the hardware. Which means that the personality’s beliefs and attitudes "program" the body biology responses and characteristics – even into seemingly impossible shifts.
- Ordinary men who change characteristics like eyesight, muscle strength, health etc by their shifting psychological conditions, intentions, beliefs – which indicate bio-programming. Furthermore, research has shown that there are increased co-relations between several health problems and personality characteristics. For example, those who are depressed literally look at things in more "gray" tones. Or people who are more shy and introverted tend to have worse eyesight when looking at a distance. Now, if we follow the trail back to its origin, I’m sure many will relate: Why are people shy? Perhaps because they have some psychological issues of inadequacy which they try to "treat" by lesser contact with others. It is reasoned that lesser contact = less triggering of the emotionally painful experience of comparison. And how do they reduce contact? By looking less at others so they don’t attract attention (the Ostrich tactic). "If I don’t look the other, he won’t talk to me, I won’t engage in social activities, I won’t trigger emotionally painful comparisons of inadequacy". So the mind is employing a subconscious strategy in order to serve one’s perceived self interests – with the eyesight being the tool (or "victim") of this situation. It is interesting that hypnotic suggestions that favor extroversion (making one less shy) also positively affect myopic "patients". Yet doctors, being removed from the actual causes, will propose mechanical intervention to the eye itself instead of simply reprogramming our mind and how it uses the eyes.
So, my analysis indicates (to me at least) that all these cases of "anomalies" can be reduced to simple bio-programming. Whether it is a few "weird" cases, or cases that affect humans en mass, it doesn’t really matter: The mechanism is the same. The only thing different is the various programs (thoughts/beliefs) each one is running and how it affects them or their biology on a personal level.
The human species is full of anomalies compared to the mainstream scientific understanding of what humans are and what humans can do. There are humans who are doing things that should not even be possible -according to science-, and in most cases the common denominator is the mind being programmed with expanded beliefs.
This is not limited to a few cases of people who were born different. It also involves cases of people who learned to expand their beliefs of what is possible, or received hypnotic suggestions, or were acting under certain circumstances that created programming presuppositions to their subconscious.
All these mean that the limits that we perceive as factual are in reality fictional and predicated on the mind perceiving them as real. Additionally it seems that reprogramming our mind and adjusting our perceived limits (upwards or downwards) is an inherent human capability - one that we are constantly practicing whether we realize it or not.
Check out Wim Hof.
I've known about him for quite a while. Interesting case. I've actually adopted a cold-water resistance model to wash my hair with cold water. I'm using self suggestion where I simply believe that the sensation will not be felt. At that point when the cold water runs through my hair, I feel "something" but it's not cold. It feels neutral. I've saved a few money on power costs :D
Humans have not come close to their potentials... nice article.
I like the information provided here. I also checked the references you added here, but something is bothering me very much:
you don't take any breaks. This is a narrative.
I can't (and I don't have the time, actually) to follow this without some help in the formating. Like headings, short paragraphs, bolding the most important parts, the message, from time to time.
It's a pity. I'm interested, actually. And I have patience. And I like reading long essays. But you already know ......
TL;DR is quite a thing in nowadays.
Sort of. It was not intended to be a fast-food article of 500-1000 words, where you skim-read, click upvote and be on your way. I feel I'm ripping the platform off with such posts, while making 500-1000$ for nothing. I try to add value. I know that some people do not have time to read it, and it's ok. This is intended to stay here a long time and attract people from Google, forums, etc, that find this useful. It is not necessarily intended for the quick skimming-upvote. Perhaps I'll make a sorter one in the future for fast-food consumption like I did with Hyperinflation...
Entire ebook: 0.2$.
An article which gives to the reader way less in terms of information: ....870$
If you are a "buyer", you pay more to get far less. This isn't right.
Indeed it is. Can't argue there.
Can someone offer a few examples of those.... " unexplained anomalies"?
What are those "exceptional things" that some humans can do contrary to what sience believes?
I believe that I totally wasted my time reading this..... "article"
please convince me that this is not the case.
Did you check any of the links of section 2 - "Questions"?
Is ...eating a plane normal? Drilling your head and be ok, normal? Burning and getting cremated, yet your heart remaining intact normal?
Most of those stories are total nonsense, I will only comment on only two of them.
The guy that "ate" one airplane... With his meal he was also swallowing ( NOT eating) 1kg of metal with some other "stuff" to help him swallow and minimize "side effects". But I can't verify if he actually "ate" that much as he claims, can you or anyone else verify this beyond any doubt?
But I'm sure that he swallowed a considerable amount of metal because...
Human body can endure a lot of punishment, but in order to die at the age of 57 "due to natural causes"... you need to try REALLY hard to acomplish this "achivement"! (swallowing metal helps!)
The first guy that claimed that lived without eating or drinking.... LOL
The "scientists" (LOL) that examined him for a few days, allowed him to gargle with water, to bath-sunbathe and to move out of the view of the cameras! they also denied access to other Scientists that asked to be present, give me a break!
The bare minimum imo would be a two months examination in a "big brother" live facility with tons of real scientists from word wide reputable institutions watching and monitoring him, after the 2 months examination period, a 100m sprint race followed by a 5000m run and lets see how this smartass "supehuman" being would perform.
Someone that needs 25% or 50% less food or water to survive, yes maybe there is a slim chancein this, I would believe that if it was backed by REAL scientists and not crooks.
Afaik evolution happens in small steps, humans can't grow feathers and start flying the next morning.
Keep in mind, he ate the plane back in 1978-1980... so he died a LOT later. Also a lot of the materials were poisonous. So... if biology has a theory ("eating poisonous materials will get you killed") and this doesn't work, well... something is broken in the theory-explanation-prediction chain.
But the thing is, this stuff is being replicated even on "normal" people with hypnotic suggestions the Derren Brown case where he made the other guy eat the light bulb glass. Eating glass is supposed to destroy your internals. If it's "ok" to do it, then let's ask a scientist to perform it without killing himself or acquiring major damage to his body.
Speaking of 5000m run, there are guys that are doing the seemingly impossible with running. : Kouros says that his secret is that "when other people get tired, they stop. I don't. I take over my body with my mind. I tell it that it's not tired and it listens."
His ultramarathon performances are extraordinary (the body is not supposed to run the distances that he is doing - but he is doing them nonetheless).
Same for a guy featured on "Superhuman" - episode s01-e03:
(the list is full of extraordinary people - and they do test them)
You can find lists of people doing the extraordinary all over the Internet:
Note those cases where it says "Learned" - these are the most interesting in terms of human potential, because it's not "isolated incidents" due to genetic anomalies or something.
Now, regarding the man who didn't eat/drink, why would you need 2 months? If you ask google how long you can survive without water, you get 3 days. Some other sources say 3-5 and "some have known to live for a week".
So if you have a theory ("humans live for up to a week max without water") that is able to explain and predict the behavior of the human body, then following this theory he should be expected to die within days.
What we know of evolution does not explain how people learn to violate what we consider our limitations. A more plausible explanation is in order: The limits that we think that are "real", aren't. Otherwise NOBODY would be able to do anything that violates these limits without some freak genetic anomaly. Biology should work the same for everyone. Same for physics (eg. body cremation not working).
Move to 1:06 and play...