Travel To Huangshan Guangming Ding 《登光明顶观日出》

in #huangshan8 years ago

Mount Huangshan how beautiful it is? If you haven't been to visit, must not imagine the beauty of Mount Huangshan, the first people to think is yingkesong,It is like a person welcomes to visitors Mount Huangshan,Starting from the Wuyuan ride to Mount Huangshan, we see the mountains along the way, The air is very good, the scenery is beautiful, the feeling is very comfortable,The stones of Mount Huangshan is also very strange, also known as "The most spectacular mountain in the world"

Guangming Ding, altitude more than 1800 meters, would like to enjoy the beauty of Huangshan,
If you only spend one day travel is not enough, on foot 2-3 hours, Huangshan sunrise is also very beautiful, my friends and I prepared a tent to prepare the morning to see the sea of clouds and sunrise, but the luck Bad, 4 am up, beautiful sunrise did not see, it touches the sky to see the stars, together to enjoy the beauty of Huangshan

“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳” 这是明代旅家徐霞客游览黄山写的,意思说看完黄山,其它山就没什么看头,黄山到底有多壮观,如果你们没去过,一定是想像不到, 黄山的美,首先让人想到的是迎客松, 像一个人在欢迎来黄山旅游的每位游客,从婺源骑行出发至黄山,一路上我们见到的山,远远看去都很相似,松树是最多的,越靠近黄山,空气非常好,感觉非常舒服, 黄山的石头,也很怪异,黄山也被誉为“天下第一奇山”, 光明顶的海拨有1860米,想欣赏黄山的美景,如果只花一天时间旅行是不够的,徒步上山顶需要2-3小时,黄山的日出也很美,我和朋友们准备了帐棚,准备早晨看云海和日出,只不过这次的运气不好,早上4点起来,漂亮的日出没有见到,倒是见到了满天的星星,一起来欣赏黄山的美景
Thank you!


Nice photos!

Wow that is very beautiful.

What a beautiful environment!

tack mycket fina bilder


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