How To Write A Book- Getting started

in #howtowriteabook7 years ago

Everyone works differently, so this isn't the ONLY way it is MY way.

I cannot emphasise enough that this is about YOU, so you don't need anyone else's input on the content. The ideas are your wonderful creation.

I am a new Author, just in my third month. I am not a bestseller BUT I expect that as I am not in a popular genre and I am self-published.

I am, however, still getting book sales, and am just moving into the second phase of my marketing plan, which I will be sharing with you.

Why do you want to write a book?

I ask you this because if your aim is to be a best seller and your happy to write to trend then you will need to understand the most popular genres.

Romance and erotica is probably considered the most popular, as is dystopia pieces.
Non-fiction pieces are equally as popular particularly history and self help it seems.

I don't write to trend, and I have been told my publishers that my genre is not popular enough (supernatural thriller) and I don't want to change that- so I have a plan in how to lure in the trend followers as you will see later on. Traditional publishers are more likely to take on your book if the genre is popular.

If you do not want to write to trend, then there are ways around that. Also if you want to be traditionally published you need to be working to at 75,000 word count as most publishers will not be interested in less than that. If you are self-publishing, it doesn't matter!

What are you going to write about?

I have to admit, I never struggle with content (I struggle with too much) but never with content. This, I believe, is because I don't listen to any one else's ideas, not because I think mine are better I may add, but because if I do I drift from my thoughts. If you stay inline with your instincts, content will me.

For inspiration I go to places that fit into my genre. I write mostly (but not always) supernatural thriller. I go on ghost hunts, I visit haunted places, I watch supernatural thrillers and I visit places where I base my writings.

I have also worked in the paranormal industry for a number of years-that helps!

I also use any life experiences to enhance my work. I have had a 'colourful' life and I never wanted to write about my life story, but I love putting it into fictional pieces.

You have to Feel what you are writing

You have to See it 

Then you can Imagine it

At this stage don't worry about the genre, just write with whatever comes it.


I buy a number of writing journals per novel I write (I currently have 5 sets of novels in draft) I am dyslexic, so my method of draft writing may be a little scatty, but it works for me.

  • Make an outline of the story on a 4 piece of paper including; Beginning, middle and end- Just key points at this stage. 
  • I then work on writing chapters out (now these may shift ) I put in around 25 for a 75,000 word novel.
  • I write a character list with descriptions
  • Then I start to write drafts through each chapter. It is only shortened versions of a full chapter- Be aware sometimes your ending or middle may change, but that doesn't matter. You just need a starting point to work with.
  • When you have done a draft, you can then type up and print off. This is your first draft. Mine usually sits at around 30,000 words at this point. 
  • Get out a red pen if you like and make a colourful array of notes in the side margins.
  • Retype, adjust and pad out into your word count. Print off, read through, make notes
  • Use a software program like grammarly (I use the premium version as it helps with my dyslexia) and do a full edit.
  • Send to BETA readers (a group of TRUSTED friends to give feedback)
  • Update where necessary
  • Voila...finished and ready to send to editor if needed, agents, or publishers.

How to write to trend when you don't want too.

I decided that I was going to write a collection of short stories, in different genres, that connect to my novels. It's a way of making my novel much bigger and it wont date as quick with the regular updates and the short stories (and of course other novels in the pentalogy)

Here is my website if you would like to see my author journey


Well done on having the courage to get your work self published and out there. Very inspirational.

Thank you very much!

This is educative. Well done!

To write a book is not an easy task, It demands dedication, being well-documented in the subjector theme you are gonna talk over. Great post, thanks for your tips, well-done.

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