Few time saver tips to help you leave your office on time

in #howto6 years ago

This is biggest problem of entire human era, they failed to achieve things on given time .
You promised your spouse that you would be at his company's fundraiser but you still stuck in office. You want to leave office by 6 pm everyday but never get out in cubical before 7.30 pm .


Even while going home on the way you must be thinking hell lot of things that you will go home and start doing some productive or pursue your hobbies , but as soon as you reach home everything changes ,some goes to sleep ,some watch TV , some play games but failed to do planned things .

When was the last time you left your office on time . Is it possible?


Craig jarrow , the author of time management news , aims to help individuals and companies to reclaim their time . He believes that little advanced planning and saying no , " where appropriate you can get out of office on time .

Just like getting out of door on time . It takes some planning and advance action, but yes it is possible.


Here are few simple steps apply in your life and see the changes the way your work day ends.

#1 . Start your day with a end in your mind .

If you don't work it your way it will never happen in your way . Best selling time management author Brian tracy writes that one minute of planning at the saves 10 minutes of work later . Going with the flow is the norm at the workplace , but people who prioritise and list down things that must be closed during the day are far better placed to leave on Time than those who don't block time on their calendar.

TIP: Joining a class or workout session after office will help you making commitment leaving on Time .

#2. First things first : Eat that frog first .

If the first thing you do in morning is eat live frog , you can get through rest of the day with the worst is behind you . Do the most difficult work -often the worst first thing in the morning instead of squandering time on less important things.

TIP: A weekly planner with critical tasks detailed out , be it monthly report or agenda for a meeting , will keep you on track .

#3. Strategic planning is must for time saver work day .

Try getting to work early to get in some quality solo time that you can use to "eat the frog". Going out for a lunch is fine once in a while , but a long lunch hour every day can throw the second half off track .

TIP: Ensure that never schedule any meeting at the end of the day .

#4. Set tough boundaries and stay the course .

It's perfectly normal for meetings and calls to start running over . But you should know when to say stop and no .

TIP: If you tell people you will leave at certain time you will circumvent last minute meetings.

#5. Delegate all that you can , except what you excel at .

If you try to do everything chances are that you won't finish anything. Ask your self questions like why, when, whome, how you have all answers of your questions put an effort . Most of us know our strengths ; keep those task with you and delegate the rest.

TIP: Stop thinking that you are only the one who can do the job perfectly and let go with complete job instructions.

#6. Work on improving your productivity.

There are only so many hours in a workday , so its crucial to make the most of them . Work smarter to enhance your productivity : set self imposed deadlines , work offline when you can ,hold stand meetings and take regular breaks .Apply 2 minutes rule if you can do it in 2 minutes go for it .

TIP: Turn off your notifications to focus better.

#7. Give yourself 20 minutes before pack up.

Announcing that you must leave at 6 pm is one thing ; actually leaving at that time everyday is another . It gets easier if you devote your last 20 minutes at the desk to tying up loose ends and prepping for the next day .

TIP: File your papers , clean your desk and send off the last minute email to ensure you're ready for tomorrow.





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