Easy Steps For Recycling Old Candles

in #howto8 years ago

As a yogi, I have tons of candles lying around; most of which are half burnt out and quite raggedy looking. I adore candles too much to throw them out, so they just end up lying around gathering dust.

If you are perhaps similar, and have some left over candles you don't know what to do with, this is for you.

This is also for you if you hate candles, and got a whole bunch for Christmas. Here is a great way to recreate them for re-gifting purposes. Yes, I see you.

I bring you two of my favourite ideas for revamping old candles, I like them even more because they are very simple.

**Let's begin!**

Here are a few of the old candles I managed to find. If they are dirty or dusty like mine were, I recommend wiping them down before beginning.
The first method is one I generally use for candles that are so far gone, all you can do is melt them down and start over.

Begin by breaking them apart into smaller pieces.
Heh heh, ominous.

Place the pieces into a heat safe container which you would like the candle to be in, and place it in a pot of simmering water until it is completely melted.


You can leave it as it is at this point, or change it up a bit. To do so, you can add in coloured wax crayons when melting, to change the colour. You can also add fragrance, like essentials oils or extracts. Just mix them in while the wax is still liquid.

You can make a new wick out of a thick string; just cut it to the required length with some to spare, and tie it to a chopstick. Place the string into the wax when it is still in liquid form, and allow the wax to harden around the string. Once solid, untie the chop stick and trim the string as needed.

The second method is for candles that still look fine, and just need a little personalizing. This is great for a gift or decoration.

All you need to do is take some tissue paper and draw a design, name, ect. onto it. You can either trace it from another picture, or free hand it.

I free handed a mandala, round about the size of the candle.

Once you have completed the drawing, cut it out and place it on top of the candle. Put a sheet of wax paper over the tissue paper and use a blow dryer to melt the tissue paper into the wax. You will know it is done when the paper becomes see-through.


Peel the wax paper off and leave it to cool.
If it does not stick all over, just wait for the candle to cool slightly and press the paper down. This should encorporate it.

And there you have it, two easy ways to revamp old or unwanted candles.

I hope you liked this DIY,and check out my blog for more if you did. @yogidream.scapes

Have an awesome day!


Your DIY posts are fantastic! Keep them coming.

Thank you so much, that means a lot! Will do :D

Great work recycling and making something new out of it! Well done!!! :)

Thank you so much! I love giving things new life. Thanks for reading!

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