How to win in a combat situation by Iceman

in #howto7 years ago (edited)


GÌD Productions Presents
How to win in a Combat Situation
By Iceman

The following is for Self Defense Purposes only. I do not recommend the use of these tactics unless your life is threatened. Now that that shit's out of the way, Here's how to win a fight against anyone big or small. Doesn't matter how strong you are. These moves can be applied and are guaranteed to take anyone out of a fight.

    First. When you are in a fight, keep your body away from him, with
    your side facing the opponant. Now, depending on what he does, here's
    how you counter it.

        If he punches at you, you can A. Block it B. Trap it
        I recommand the block, it's easier. As soon as you see he's
        gonna swing, get ready. As the punch comes in, put out your
        arm in a 90 degree angle to block it and sweep outwards.
        Bingo. You now have him wide open. Ok, grab his shirt and 
        drive your forehead through his, therefore knocking him back.
        Now follow this up with a spinning backfist to the temple. 
        BANG! you have just subdued your opponant. He's out.

        Here's how to trap a punch and diable his hand. As soon as he 
        begins to swing, turn your body towards him. Now if the punch is 
        about armpit high, swing your body out of the way and catch is hand
        in your armpit, and squeeze like hell. He only has one hand now.
        Now drive the forehead and spinning backfist him. If you are near a 
        wall and you have his hand, grab him by the back of his shirt and
        pull towards you HARD, driving his head into the wall. This will 
        probably knock him out. If not, he will be stunned enough for you
        to be able to do it again.

        There are only 2 ways to block kicks. With the side of your
        leg(by the shin) or if up high, with the 90 degree arm sweep.
        If he kicks low, block with the leg and follow up with a
        kick to the ribs, 2 or more will knock the wind out of him.
        Now that he's down, leave him. He will do no more harm to you 
        now that you kicked his ass. If he kicks high, block with the arm, 
        or grab the leg. Be careful if you grab the leg, cause he could 
        kick you in the face with the other. Now that you have his leg, 
        proceed to break it by twisting it in many directions.

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