Social Media Tip #3 Tools are Your Best Friend

in #howto8 years ago

Tools to Help You Get Your Content Seen.

I know not everyone can afford to hire us at $200 Social and that is ok. I believe in sharing my knowledge with the world and helping the Steemit community be the best it can be. We don't consider ourselves social media managers. We syndicate our clients content all over the web to attract eyeballs and the search engine bots.

Tools are one of the ways you can go from being invisible online to being everywhere. Google and Bing love content producers but they don't like content that is not getting any traction. What this means is that your content is not being seen, shared and liked.

My Favorite Social Media Tools


IFTTT is a clever way to syndicate your content to other platforms automatically. Now it takes a little bit to get used to the platform but it can really take your content syndication to the next level. The best part is that it is totally FREE!

Some of my favorite recipes on IFTTT.

  • Instagram photo to Twitter- This recipe allows your full Instagram photo to show up on Twitter, not just a link. You can also send your photo to Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Blogger or even Buffer.

  • RSS Feed to Blog Platforms- Have you ever wondered how to get your blog posts quickly posted elsewhere on the web with a link back to the original post. Here you go, it is a very powerful syndication trick that Google and Bing love. This is so rich that there are whole courses around the power of blog syndication using IFTTT.

  • Youtube to Blog Platform- Just like the RSS feed your Youtube can be distributed all over the web to high ranking blogging sites which helps your Youtube channel and videos rank higher in search.

  • Building Lists Using HashTags on Twitter- Do you want to gain followers in a slow methodical way? Building lists using hashtags is a great way to do it. Every time you add someone to a list that person is notified and they might follow you back. Be sure to name your list something catchy or interesting.

  • Buffer to Google Plus- Every link you share on Buffer can automatically post to the most powerful SEO platform on the internet. Yes Google Plus, use it and be rewarded. You will first need to set up RSS to Buffer in order to get it to work.

Tweet JukeBox-

Now you might not know this but Google and Twitter are friends again. Google is once again indexing Tweets. Not all Tweets but the ones that gain traction. Some other factors include how many followers an account has, likes and retweets.

Tweet Jukebox is one way to make sure your links to images, blog posts, Youtube videos etc get indexed through Twitter. In a nutshell Tweet Jukebox allows you to syndicate your content repeatedly on Twitter and soon to come Facebook and Linkedin.

If you have a list of 50 Youtube videos or blog posts you want to share every few days then this is the tool for you. It also has the capability to thank your followers for engaging with you. This is awesome because it keeps your account in touch with your followers.

This tool will save you massive amounts of time and make it look like you are on Twitter way more than you actually are. In return Google sees your links getting repeatedly shared and gives them preference in search. This also goes for images. See my post about how to Optimize Images for SEO

Tweet Jukebox is free but I recommend the basic plan for one account which is $9.99. This allows you to have more control and no Tweet Jukebox branding.

Tools can Transform Your Social Media Presence.

Don't be afraid to use tools to build your brand online. We only have so much time and tools help magnify your brand. I have given you two tools that will explode your content across the web.

If you don't have the time to do it yourself feel free to contact me. We have plans starting at $200 a month with $200 Social.


This is partly what I do for TDV. The rest is pure old fashioned grunt work.

Great post. Im going to show this to my wife, she does the majority of our social media posting for our business and it's a drag for her sometimes. It takes a lot of time and putting posts together for everything is a pain. Thanks for sharing!

It will really simplify her life. It might take a few hours to set up but it will be worthwhile and there are plenty of IFTTT tutorials online.

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