
What does massively redundant and highly parralel mean?

exceptionally large.
"massive crowds are expected"
(of words or data) able to be omitted without loss of meaning or function.
in this case it means a 'whole bunch'
Parallel in this usage means 'if that way is blocked, go around it on a parallel path.

do you need help with 'widely distributed network' too?

I think I understand now.

I would just call it decentralized ,adaptive, and very very simple. Usually you get security through simplicity.

Like how encrypting a piece of information on a paper beats an army and a safe vault level of security. Digital is a new level of adaptation versus physical assets.

simple on the surface, easy to use...does NOT mean the innerworkings are simple..
try an appendectomy at home..notice how COMPLICATED your insides are?
yet it seem very simple on the surface...just skin.

Yes, that is how cryptography is, very complex math on the inside, simple 1 push of a button on the outside.

But what I meant was simple and smooth logic. Like for example even if a crypto algorhtm is complex usually it's more secure if it's smooth, like SHA based mining instead of something very complex and probably flawed.

like rot-gut whisky..
very smooooooo (cough)ooooooooth.

I like red wine better, it's smoother.

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