Me vs Cable company

in #howto8 years ago (edited)

So, I had called the cable company and asked how I could get my cable to work on my new tv I bought for the bedroom. They told me that the only way to do this is to pay them another $10/month for another cable box for the 2nd tv. They already gouge the prices, and in order to get the channels that I want and fast internet, I'm charged about $140/month. There was no way I was going to feed their greed anymore so i came up with my own solution.

TV number 2

Mirror angled toward cable box in other room

The route needed


It was a small victory, but still felt great. A win is a win. And it works like a charm!

PS. When my girlfriend got home all she did was laugh at me and offer to give me the extra $10/month for another box..which I respectfully declined. haha


Hehe! Nice solution!
TV Company can now rest in hell! :D

Yeah! It's unbelievable how much they can charge for cable, and the fact that in my area at least..the 2 major cable companies have a sort of treaty where each of them does not try to sell to the other's competition = monopoly = they can set price as high as they want because there aren't any other options

It's the small things that make us happy, good job!

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