How to fix this damn shower OR the morning of horror - real life story by detlev

in #howto7 years ago

One of this Hotels

Bild 33.jpg

It happens from time to time. You end up in one of this not really perfect and not fully functional hotel rooms. You book it, because it sound nice has a good location and not to bad comments.

(C) by Hostel210

Surprise on a tired morning

Before you have the fist coffee, to be at least a bit awake, you jump into the shower to have a warm rain on the still half sleeping body.

At this moment


Than you figure out - this damn shower is not working like I need it. What to do now?

Yell, scream, cry - very Loud and like crazy! Yes!!

Great idea - but who will hear me and does this mean some help will show up while I'm naked within the shower - eehhhmmmm - NO.

Try to get a bit more awake


So you have to help yourself and fix this bloody damn brocken shower with any trick. Sure the first ten brilliant ideas - you might have while half sleeping - won't work at all.

Water all over and you start to get a bit more angry.

Make a knot

Than the final idea shows slowly up in your mind and the first version works for a whole minute.

The second version


Then, the even better second knot does the job. You finally get the relaxing and warm part of that shower.

The morning of horror!

While getting more awake you start thinking about all the good arguments you will have later on at the receptionist to get your money back, at least some freebies or even another night for free - as this damn brocken shower ruined your day.

Sure, whenever you are dressed up, on the way to the breakfast - you are already calm and need a first coffee and not a battle with the receptionist - and you walk by and smile as you know that there will be a wonderful post on steemit about this morning of horror

Tell me....

  • Do you had situations like that?
  • Did you call room service? Does they fix it??
  • What would you do in this situation?

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Thanks @detlev

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thanks - let's see how people like this different #howto of #lifehack

Now WE are talking @delev

What a GENIUS idea!

I have not had to experience a broken shower, but I can imagine that this #lifehack would make my shower even HOTTER!

Thanks for that post!


Ideen muss man haben. ;)
Danke, hab es amüsiert gelesen
Nie wieder rutschende Duschköpfe, hätte mich beim checkout beschwert.
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Ja darüber hatte ich nachgedacht, aber die Dusche war das kleinere Problem.... ;-)

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