Productivity tools that made my life a whole lot easier (and it should for you too!)

in #howto6 years ago (edited)

If there's one rule I lived by, it is the need for productivity.

And how to fully optimize technology to help me operate faster, and better on a daily basis.

Because I can't code sh*t to have my machine brew my morning cuppa joe, I have to rely on the brilliant geniuses who've created some epic tools to help me achieve more things in the shortest time possible.

Why? So I can have more time to do more things in life. Like creating more content on Steemit, as my side hustle.

So what's these productivity tools hype? Do you really need them?

Well, humans will never admit that they're unproductive.

In fact, we'd like to think that we've achieved more than we actually did.

Ego coupled with denial is the perfect recipe for forgetfulness and inefficiency.

In today's fast-paced world, we're expected to hold down more than one job, what more multitasking in your day job alone. Comes in productivity tools to save your sanity (and life).

If there are tools that could 10x your life better, I would highly recommend these:


1) Evernote


Why: Saved a note and can't remember the title but only some keywords? Evernote helps you track the exact article, not only that but you can also collaborate, share notes and write on the platform. Helps store your info even when you're offline. That means no worries about missing information should there a sudden cut of the Internet.


2) Getpocket


Why: Saves your favorite articles, and tags them accordingly. Only downside if for you to organise and tag these articles yourself.


3) Todoist


Why: I like using Todoist because it syncs my phone and Chrome like The only difference is that Todoist has a search function where you can recover older, archived tasks.




Why: The ultimate to-do list. Easy to use interface with calendar integration so you won't ever forget to shop for groceries and attend those important Steemit events. Syncs perfectly to your phone and Chrome (Chrome is amazing!)


4) Dropshelf


Why: Pick an article or any item and drop it at the sides or bottom of your desktop. Dropshelf enables multitasking across multiple pages easier and bearable.


5) Lastpass


Why: Stores all your important details and passwords. If your time is invested heavily in projects and collaboration, yet you want your teammates to access some website (e.g. Shopify) without letting you in their passwords, Lastpass is a useful to tool to 'share without exposing' your most important bit of data.


6) Goodsync


Why: It syncs your work on your laptop to Cloud (but you need a cloud source, to begin with. Try Google Drive or OneDrive. Consider investing for a long-term use if you've been backing up your PC in your hard drive ('cause hard drive crashes, Cloud won't) and upgrade to a bigger storage space especially if most of your life work is on one gadget.


7) Google Drive/ OneDrive


Google Drive


Why: I used Goodsync to get my work updated on Cloud all the time. I also had my phone synced so I won't lose any photos in case my phone is a gone case. Just log in with the same email and password on your phone, and laptop and you're good to go. Simple as that.


8) Monny



Why: Keeps your expenses in check. And if you're traveling overseas, you can keep multiple account books so you won't lose track of your spending even in different currencies.


9) Tasty (for meal prep)


Why: Surprised that I'd recommend this app? This shouldn't come across as a shock to you. We all know that home cooked food is healthier but also more time-consuming. So naturally, if you have quick access to easy recipes under 30mins, less time spent on cooking would mean more time available for other tasks.


10) Momentum


Why: Because seeing global pictures would definitely perk you up and thrust you into working mode. Think of it as a wall poster for your desktop, except that it greets you according to your time zone too (i.e. Good morning, Debbie…) Also, if you fancy, you can set the most important goal you need to achieve that day, every day.

All tools are free or bought at a bargained price. I'm not affiliated with any brands aforementioned. I only recommend the things I love using from my personal experience.

If you have any questions regarding the tools I used, feel free to throw me one in the comments section below :)

Image credit: All public domain images are taken from Pexels, unless stated otherwise.

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Thanks for this amazing list! Great article on the chosen topic. I really do like and constantly use few of the above mentioned tools. I also have tried many of the mind mapping apps available including the free ones like Freemind, but I'm greatly satisfied with iMindQ.

Yes. Mindmapping i love to employ that strategy too. I heard about freemind before, but you reckon iMindQ is better? Thanks so much for the recommendation <3 @adisrivastav

This is a great resource!! I've used ToDoList and Google Drive. I really like Google Drive!! I have a few documents that I need multiple people to see in real time each morning. It's really useful if you are in a lot of groups/boards.

Thanks yeah me too. But I tend to use OneDrive more often these days, probably 'cause I have not had my GDrive upgraded haha @ray4u but yeah the interface is amazing

Am already using evernote and google drive now! They are useful, should probably try some other tool like goodsync and getpocket, they seems so useful too! good sharing!

Yes they are :) So i don't have to constantly back up manually <3 Bear in mind, that goodsync is a paid one time off software though. but i can't really recall how much i was charged. though i remember it being extremely reasonable :) especially when you constantly need to back your laptop up @jiafui

These are some great tools. I enjoyed reading you Why sections. Most people are focused on the What.

Thanks for your constructive feedback <3 @marillaanne i'll keep this in mind to push me into writing better pieces <3

Great recommendations there @deborism. I m sooo gonna try out Monny and yes, I loved Tasty too!

yesssss :) why thank you <3

Wow, so many things to learn so little time. After i joined Steemit, everyday will fill with new things to learn. Thanks for the sharing again.

@kokuryo thanks again for your kind words :) we're all here to learn every day and i am so grateful for supportive Steemians like your good self.

I just wanted to say that the discord link for steemit bloggers seems to have expired!
Would love to join the group...
Loved the article! 👍

Hi @varunpaherwar, I'll let @zord189 answer this :) 'cause there are some changes to the group. I will have the invitation link removed

hi @varunpaherwar, Thanks for ur interest in wanting to join our #steemitbloggers group. However, the link must be given by our founder @jaynie.

If you are interested, you may dm @jaynie at jaynie#9450 in discord.

Thanks for sharing your productivity tools!! Todoist seems amazing, going to try it right now <3

You have some great tools in there. Evernote is my favorite. Especially when planning out blog posts :).

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