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RE: Guesthouse/ BnB Hosting in a nutshell - Part 3 of 4

in #howto7 years ago

Very valuable information... Do you think it is worthwhile when investing in property to consider its potential future airbnb value as a major factor in your decision making?


I also feel in future we will have decentralised forms of airbnb running on a blockchain... No middle man! Just people providing necessary accommodation to other people in a totally fair system

That would be great! Must add though that airbnb's commission is super low (3%) compared to most other booking sites (15% upwards)

Thank you for the comments, and yes I would certainly take a prospective property purchase into consideration for airbnb'ing as I now know the rewards, both financially and the experience of meeting people from all over the world! Location obviously being the most important criteria. I would go further and say I am sorry I only started doing this now, have considered buying property purely for that purpose!

Probably one of the most important questions to ask before delving into the hospitality industry (you won't know unless you've tried it) is do you truly enjoy it. You didn't know before the time and hence the reason you probably didn't go down that path earlier :) Sometimes risk can be rewarding, other times it won't. Were you able to take that risk then? I don't know. All I know is that I can see you are truly enjoying it and you have been doing a bloody good job at it. To take the time to actually put it all down on "paper" shows the love you have for it all. Btw, I hate typing on my phone, it's easy whrn operating on my laptop. I have to stall all the time else it ends up like this: thetbt lhsbgi got to be sjko go and i cant sertj the phi e to touch typr properly :) Great work agai !!! N. Upvoted and resteemed :)

Very well said @therneau, so right, not sure I could do it all those years ago hey! And thanks for the encouragement. I do believe things happen for a reason, all I know is it has been an amazing experience. Gets hectic some will work on my final part of Setting up a guesthouse later, hope it can help someone :) BTW I also hate touch tuping on mythe phone dtibes ne nutty ;)

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