What is steemhunt and how to steemhunt/什么是steemhunt,如何steemhunt

in #howto6 years ago (edited)

Good day steemians


I believe whether direct or indirectly, some steemians will heard about Steemhunt. But some people still do not have clue what it is about right?

我相信各位博客在直接或间接性会有听到Steemhunt. 但是我也相信有的人还是不了解什么Steemhunt对吗?

Steemhunt is started by @project7 and @tabris. You can visit their main website here and their steemit account here. This initiative just started a while ago and it is really successful one for us steemians to grow. Basically this website is for you to share all the technology things such as products, website and any others thing related and then get rewarded if your products is attractive. Ya, is that simple.

Steemhunt 是由 @project7@tabris 所创立的。你可以浏览他们的网站 这里 以及他们的部落格网址 这里。这个网站也刚刚成立不久但是得到很大的回响,然后这也是一个很好的平台让我们成长。简单来说就是你只要上传关于科技的产品,网站以及其他相关的物品,然后你就可以得到奖赏若你的产品是很吸引的。

Before I get into how to post or participate in steemhunt, first i must let you know this very important announcement from steemhunt. When you are done posting your products, you are not allowed to use bidbots to boost your own post. This is because steemhunt is hoping the hunt grading will be in fair situation. Just imagine if your product are good enoigh, but someone with high reputation boost post to overtake you, then it will be not fair. Not to worry, steemhunt have big SP delegation(1.5 million SP, their vote is enough for you to goes up to certain level. You can read the announcement here


Second, this is the guideline what to post in steemhunt:


Types of Products to Post

Steemhunt generally covers unique IT or hardware products, including:

  • Web services
  • Mobile apps
  • API, IT solutions, bots, open sources or other types of software
  • Tech gadgets, hardware, IoT/connected/wearable devices
  • Games

If you are interested to know more, kindly join their discord channel here


Third, if you are ready to post your product on steemhunt, please kindly search the product in steemhunt website first. If it is already listed in steemhunt, then your post will be delisted.


this is the product that already upload


So now, lets get into tutorial part.


First please visit the website click here


this is what the main page looks like


Next, as usual click Log in and it will redirect to you another page by steemconnect and login using your steemit id and active key.

接下来,一如往常点登入后就会通过steemconnect跳到另一个页面,然后你就需要利用你的账号和active key来登入。

click continue and after that it will need ur id and active key to login

点了继续后,你就会需要你的账号和active key来登入

Next you are ready to go. You will notice above have a (+) sign. Click it and you can start posting.

接下来你就可以开始把你要的产品资料输入。你会看见有一个 (+)的按键。点了后你就可以开始写文章了。

this is what it looks like when you click (+)


Now lets us see each section of the column.



  • Product link/产品链接
    When you get what product you should post, you must get the link of the product. Such as you are posting about Sony Ps4 console, you must use official link of this product. You are not allowed to use other links such as amazon, facebook link for this.

当你有了什么产品需要放上去,那么你就也需要这个产品的链接。当然你需要利用该产品的链接,不能利用购物网站或者面子书的链接。比如你是写关于Sony PS4游戏机。那么你一定要用这个游戏机的官方网站。

  • Name of product/ 产品名称
    Next after you posted the product link, you need to write what is the prodouct name.


  • short description/简单叙述
    After that you need to write a short description about what is the product about that not longer than 60 words.



  • images/照片
    Upload one or more photoes as long as is not exceed 10MB for all images.


  • hunter's comment/猎人的意见
    Here you need to write everything about the product. Just like in normal post, you need to describe everything. The more detail will be more better.


  • Tags /标签
    Just like normal steemit posting, you need tags for people to notice you. But here you only can use 4 tags as another tags is primary tags that will automatically put it which is steemhunt.

就一如往常,你需要标签来让大家知道你的文章。这里你只能用4个标签,而另一个将会自动成为主标签,那就是 steemhunt.

  • add makers or contributors/加上创始人
    This you need to add in if the product makers or contributors are in steemit. If you are putting in this, they can get shares from your post. This is to apprciate or giving back copyright to the makers or contributors.



Next click post now and you are good to go.

最后点击post now然后你的文章就上线了。


This will be what it looks like in steemhunt website



This is what looks like in steemit.


Next if your product been approved, you will get this reply:


But if not been accepted, you will get this reply:


After 24 hours(based on korea time/KST), you will get a ranking and upvote from steemhunt.



Hope my step by step tutorial will attract you to join steemhunt and hunting product ro earn steem. I am already addicted to it and earn some steem from it.


Lastly, congratulation to @bitrocker2020 and @joannewong become one of the moderator for steemhunt.


Cheers guy and keep hunting.


Blog Divider_Bunting.png

Who am I:

  • bboyady or called me ady
  • hip hop enthusiast
  • love to break dance(bboy)
  • photography and videography
  • scuba diving
  • hoping can be traveller soon
  • location: Malaysia Borneo (Sabah)
  • I blog about dance, hip hop music, movie and others steemit related post
  • #teammalaysia, #qurator, #steemitbloggers member.

Join me in steemit to get paid when you share your content with us.

credit to @cklai for the #teammalaysia sabah region banner


hip hop enthusiast? Join us at @hhtb to connect with other hip hop enthusiast

lets join wowapp to do charity with just play games, chatting, and make call.


Join us @steemitbloggers
Animation By @zord189




Go here https://steemit.com/@a-a-a to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

@bboyady, 我好欣赏你滴~~~ img

BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你讨厌,抢伦家沙发~哼~~~ (>_<、)



可以参考他们的steemit @steemhunt或者discord here

Will check later when free, still dun like to use phone 😂

I 90% using phone. Lol

"就一如往常,你需要标签来让大家知道你的文章。这里你只能用4个标签,而另一个将会自动成为主标签,那就是 steemhunt." - 所以,那个主标签 Steemhunt 可以不必放进去标签里面,还是?


You've been upvoted by TeamMalaysia community. Do checkout other posts made by other TeamMalaysia authors at http://steemit.com/created/teammalaysia

To support the growth of TeamMalaysia Follow our upvotes by using steemauto.com and follow trail of @myach

Vote TeamMalaysia witness bitrocker2020 using this link vote for witness



@bboyady, May the force be with you...愿steemit原力和与你同在!


Thanks for the tutorial. Finally I know what is SteemHunt about. I have been blur blur on this hunting. Not knowing what to do.

I also blur blur before. But after try and error, i know what is it. But time to time they are changing some rules and regulation, do check their discord for updated status.

Thank you for visiting my tutorial.

Anyway, i am taking long time to revocer my vp and now iam back on track. Will visit ur blog more.

I join the discord via your invitation link in your post. 😎

Yes, it is accesible to the steemhunt discord. Any question can ask out two teammalaysia steemhunt moderator which is joannewong and bitrocker2020

Useful piece for more Steem hunters!

Thank you for the compliment and visit bro. Much appreciate.

Keep hunting bro!

Sure bro. You too

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